Issues & Leadership Flashcards
Qualities of Effective Leaders
(Grant, 2022)
• Empathy (Compassion)
• Vulnerability
• Trust (Risk Taking)
• Active Listening
• Integrity
Educators are _______
Leadership in education is the __________ that creates a _________ learning environment. Learning environments deeply impact our……..
students, their families, and the community
The leadership that is set directly affects the……
success and well-being of everyone.
Effective leadership styles (School Systems Research)
•Instructional Leadership
•Coaching or Mentoring leadership
•Democratic Leadership
•Constructivist Leadership
•Transformational Leadership
Instructional Leadership:
(School system)
Invests in a lot of profession developments so educators are well verst in what the best way it (Quality)
• Coaching or Mentoring Leadership:
strengths, areas of growth, self awareness
New Educators are paired with an experienced educators
Would emphasise coaching
• Democratic Leadership:
Solving problems through collaboration
Trying to solve problems together
Brainstorm together
Hear opinions of others
• Constructivist Leadership:
empowers through active learning start with problem…
It allows people to solve problems in active learning formats
Actively doing something to fix it
Creating something together
Transformational Leadership:
Leading by example, innovation
Says and does things
Effective leadership styles, (childcare research)
Instructional leadership
servant leadership
transactional leadership
transformational leadership
Instructional Leadership (childcare)
Vison, mission and goals (overseeing consistent feedback)
Has a very clear vison
Constantly refiring back to the vision
Checks in more consistently
• Servant Leadership:
others first focusses on students families and communities
Putting others first
What ever is best for the children is what we do even if it doesn’t Aline
Transactional Leadership:
rewarded based on performance
Reward based system
• Transformational Leadership:
leaders inspire change
Leadership personality traits
• Hurricane
• Futurist
• Phenom
• Scholar
• Anchor
• Ambassador
• Gardener
• Empath
• General
Leadership in Early Learning
Sets the tone
Looks different depending on the need (Examples…)
Is an indicator of quality
Has been shown to directly impact the field as a whole
Acts of service-
(Love languages: Leadership)
showing support when needed (take things off plate)
Quality time-
(Love languages: Leadership)
Spending time with employees not talking work
Receiving gifts-
(Love languages: Leadership)
Reward system, b-day gifts etc.
Words of affirmation-
(Love languages: Leadership)
acknowledging efforts
Physical Touch-
(Love languages: Leadership)
Extension of quality time covos on personal levels face to face.
A person who feels appreciated will always do….
More then what is expected
Language as a leader
Service or giving
Trust empowering
Different leadership roles in early learning
ECE Consultant
Roles and the Knowledge Required for Admin/Management Roles
Advanced understanding of the current issues and research in early learning
Knowledge in policy-making
social justice, and advocacy at all levels
Management strategies and knowledge in staff development
Financial awareness
Governance Roles and Leadership
Ethical leadership is a key component in all our roles.
Board of governors
Your trustee in your area is the person to take up the problem with.
How Are Ethics Connected to Leadership In Early Learning?
Code of Ethics/Standards of Practice
Ethical Leadership:
Ethical Leadership:..
Ethical leadership is making professional and personal decisions using moral principles.
Ethical leaders acknowledge the complexity of moral situations while staying true to their….
professional ethics, which directs them to what is fair, open, and honest.
Ethical Leadership
Provide training and mentorship
Demonstrate effective communication ….
instills the organization and professionals’ values
Ethical Leadership
A leader’s intentions, values and behaviors affect their concept of ethics. All three must be guided by….
consistency and an innate sense of personal integrity based on honesty.
A good ethical leader can separate their emotion and feeling vs…
what is best for the families in this situation
Ethical leaders
acknowledge complex situation and…..
grey areas in are field
7 practices of ethical leadership
(Thorton, 2021)
Not letting relationships affect your duties
Keep the decision- making process open and transparent
Prevent interpersonal behaviors from eroding trust
Setting the expectation of ethical behavior
Make ethics a part of everyday practices
See ethics as more than just legislation and regulations
Celebrate ethical victories
Commit to ethics in the short and long-term
Demonstrating and modelling Through their….
actions and decision-making, educational leaders can nurture an ethical climate in their learning environments.
Train yourself to react with….
logic first and panic second
How to Apply Ethical Leadership in Education Settings
Personal courage: Voice
Public interest ahead of self: Stay aware of whats going on
Self-control, self-discipline and integrity:
Expect ethical behavior from everyone: Clear and consistent
Sensitivity, understanding and inclusiveness: Institutional policies
“About 4,200 new students enroll in an early childhood education program each year and the average graduation rate is about 72 per cent, the government slide decks say. But only about______ of registered ECEs choose to work in licensed child care” (Jones, 2023, p. 1).
“Early childhood educators in licensed child care are _______ as likely to resign after _______ years compared to colleagues working in other settings such as schools, according to the College of Early Childhood Educators. About half of those who resign are exiting the field altogether, well ahead of other reasons for leaving such as retirement, moving away or parental leave, college data show” (Jones, 2023, p. 1).
Recruitment is not the issue the issue is __________ our professionals in the field and ________ them enough to give them reasons to stay.
Adam Grant
Leaders shouldn’t aim to be liked…..
They should strive to be respected.
Adam Grant
Trust isn’t granted for competence alone……
It’s earned through caring about people and principles.
Adam Grant
We don’t have to agree with every decision….
We need to align with their visions and admire their values.
In 1969, a sub-group of the Women’s Liberation Movement in Toronto organized a ______ ________ on the U of T campus, winning university support after occupying the second floor of Simcoe Hall.
In 1972, __ ____ ___ _____demanding another building to meet growing demand occupied the meteorological building for 10 months.
day care co-op
a group of parents
The case for Universal daycare
A self-explanatory report, which was written shortly after the RCSW. Ottawa, Canadian Women’s Movement Archives Collection.
……rallied a broad coalition to oppose the closure of the wartime day nurseries
the Day Nurseries and Day Care Parents Association, a Toronto group that in 1946
Toronto mothers fought to preserve government funding for ________that had been established during the Second World War.
Globe and Mail 18 May 1946.
the day nurseries
Children first, board Members:
Who is the President
Rachel Stewart
Windsor, Essex, Catholic District school board trustees:
Who is the chair?
Fulvio Valentinis
Public board trustees:
Who is the chairperson of the board?
Gail Hatfield
Children’s aid, society, board of directors: who is the past chair?
Mr.Kulveer Virk
Imposter Syndrome
Something that stops us from taking action or taking initiative because we feel like we aren’t good enough or qualified
Leadership Comes in Many Forms…
When there are really strong leaders amongst a staff (specifically in childcare) it is actually an indicator of better quality of care.
Leadership styles (reading)
Some researchers have found that leadership falls under one of three categories…
“leadership as process or relationship,
leadership as combination of traits or personality characteristics,
or leadership as certain behaviors
What is the municipal government and what is it responsible for?
The city or town council decides on by-laws that deal with issues concerning their community such as public parks, libraries, social services, local police and fire services, garbage removal, recycling, and public transportation. Municipal governments are led by mayors in cities and towns and reeves in villages and townships.
Bees demonstrate leadership with
commitment to shared values
cooperation and collaboration
Setting goals,
good communication and interpersonal skills
The ability to turn ideas into action
Recognizes the importance of collective effort
In order for a hive to function, a shared division is required that…
sets the tone for the whole hive
Establishes purpose and goals
Ensures, sustained focus and motivation
The whole hive must respect and commit to the identity, values and vision of leaders was in the hive
Relationships are the key to any hive as they set the foundation for setting…
Respect, cooperation, and trust
Communication is the key aspect of any hive
It is a heart for relationships and interaction within the hive
Communication is a means of growth and learning
Be innovative
Think outside the box and be creative
Maintaining quality and standards within the hive
Bees high-quality flowers
Adaptive to arrange of contexts and setting