Issues and Debates (Clinical Psychology) Flashcards
What do the Individual differences mainly look at in Clinical Psychology?
Cultural Differences
What shows that Cultural Effects can lead to Individual Differences in Schizophrenia?
Diathesis-Stress model Kirkbride et al (2012) Schizophrenia in Afro-Carribean people
How does the Diathesis-Stress Model show that Cultural Effects can lead to Individual Differences in Schizophrenia?
The diathesis-stress model of schizophrenia explains how an environmental trigger is necessary to activate a biological predisposition to schizophrenia; demonstrating social factors and cultural factors can be part of the cause
How does the Kirkbride et al (2012) show that Cultural Effects can lead to Individual Differences in Schizophrenia?
Kirkbride et al (2012) found three environmental factors predicted risk of schizophrenia in 427 participants aged 18-64 years old increased deprivation (which includes employment, income, education and crime) increased population density, and an increase in inequality (the gap between the rich and poor).
How does Schizophrenia and Afro-Carribean people show that Cultural Effects can lead to Individual Differences in Schizophrenia?
There are proportionately more people of Afro-Caribbean origin treated for schizophrenia in the UK than white people. This could be because those of Afro Caribbean descent are more likely to live in deprived areas with higher population densities.
What shows that Cultural Effects can lead to Individual Differences in Depression?
De Graaf et al (2002) Prevalence rates of depression Bromet et al (2011)
How does De Graaf et al (2002) show that Cultural Effects can lead to Individual Differences in Schizophrenia?
Personality can affect mental disorder vulnerability. De Graaf et al. (2002) followed 7076 Dutch adults for 12 months and those who developed mood disorders (including depression) had scored higher for N (neuroticism) than those who remained healthy. This suggests that personality traits (or at least N) might explain and predict depression.
How does Prevalence rates of depression show that Cultural Effects can lead to Individual Differences in Schizophrenia?
Clinical depression is also a worldwide problem but affects from 2% to 19% in different countries. This suggests factors like poverty and exposure to violence play a role in the onset of depression
How does Bromet et al (2011) show that Cultural Effects can lead to Individual Differences in Schizophrenia?
A cross-cultural study by Bromet et al. (2011) sampled 90,000 people in 18 countries. France and the USA were the most depressed and the poorer countries showed less rather than more depression. This supports the idea that depression is a disorder of Western nations, not just a psychological response to poverty, crime or war.
What shows that Cultural Effects can lead to Different Diagnosis of Mental Health Disorders, affecting reliability + validity?
Davison and Neale Interpretations of symptoms Cinnerella and Loewenthal DSM V DSM and ICD Kanazawa et al Japanese Americans Medical Model of Mental Disorders
How does Davison and Neale show that Cultural Effects can lead to Different Diagnosis of Mental Health Disorders, affecting reliability + validity?
Davison and Neale (1994) revealed that Asian-Americans can be wrongly diagnosed as having a mental disorder by the Western diagnostic system. This is because this group displays withdrawn behaviour (which is actually desirable in the Asian-American culture). Therefore diagnosis is not valid
How can the Interpretations of Symptoms show that Cultural Effects can lead to Different Diagnosis of Mental Health Disorders, affecting reliability + validity?
Some argue clinicians should be sensitive to the culture of the patient when making diagnoses. If the patient is from a culture where visions of god are common and seen as a blessing, the such experiences should not be seen as hallucinations and so they should not be diagnosed with schizophrenia. The DSM V now includes guidance on how to conduct a clinical interview with someone from a different culture. Therefore diagnosis is improving in validity
How does the DSM V show that Cultural Effects can lead to Different Diagnosis of Mental Health Disorders, affecting reliability + validity?
The current DSM V has been designed to have cross cultural application. This means using cross cultural research (examining different cultural groups and how they experience mental disorders) to identify different symptom patterns of disorders in different cultural groups, and adding these to each mental disorder category. Therefore diagnosis is improving in validity.
How does Cinnerella and Loewenthal show that Cultural Effects can lead to Different Diagnosis of Mental Health Disorders, affecting reliability + validity?
Cinnerella and Loewenthal (1999) investigated the influence of religion and culture on mental disorder. In Black Christian and Muslim Pakistani groups, depression and schizophrenia carried social stigma and there was a belief in the power of prayer.
How does the DSM and ICD show that Cultural Effects can lead to Different Diagnosis of Mental Health Disorders, affecting reliability + validity?
Differences in the American and European DSM and ICD 10 also suggest there are cultural differences in mental disorders. These systems sometimes lead to different diagnosis. However DSM V has been modified to be more consistent with the ICD 10. In the current DSM, disorders are grouped into families, with linked disorder grouped together. The clinical can move from the general to the specific.
How does Kanawaza et al show that Cultural Effects can lead to Different Diagnosis of Mental Health Disorders, affecting reliability + validity?
Kanazawa et al (2007) found that Native Hawaiians reported higher levels of depressed mood and somatic (physical) symptoms in comparison to European Americans. This implies depression varies with culture
How do Japanese Americans show that Cultural Effects can lead to Different Diagnosis of Mental Health Disorders, affecting reliability + validity?
Japanese Americans showed more depressed mood but the same level somatic syptoms as European Americans. They therefore concluded that this may be due to the norms of the Japanese collectivist cultures, where avoiding expressing positive mood, specifically individual happiness, is thought be encouraged in order to maintain a group harmony. Therefore the depression itself did not vary with culture, only the expression of mood
How does the Medical Model of Mental Disorders show that Cultural Effects can lead to Different Diagnosis of Mental Health Disorders, affecting reliability + validity?
The medical model of mental disorders suggests they are universal in the same way that physical disorders are. However this is challenged by the existence of culturally disorders such as “genital retraction syndrome”. This is a mental health condition that exists in Africa and Asia only. This is where men have an anxiety that their penis will retract into their body. Women may suffer the same anxiety, but about their breasts
How are Schizophrenia and Depression both Developmental Disorders?
Issues around genes and mental health, such as a genetic or biochemical explanation for schizophrenia, can affect development Both schizophrenia and depression are developmental disorders as they do not exist from birth, but develop over time. However both are thought to have genes that increase susceptibility
What research shows a Genetic component to Schizophrenia, and how does this link to developmental psychology?
Schizophrenia has been found to have a genetic component. Gottesman found higher concordance for MZ twins (42%) in comparison to DZ twins (9%) showing there is a genetic component to Schizophrenia It may be that certain genes lead to abnormal neurochemical levels in particular of dopamine and glutamate, and contribute to schizophrenia in this Way.
What is the Onset of Schizophrenia?
Schizophrenia may be classed as adolescent onset (10-17), early-adult onset (18-30), middle-age onset (30-45) and late-onset (45+).The disorder does not suddenly “strike” and the obvious psychotic episode comes after less noticeable problems that might have existed for years. This makes it difficult to diagnose exactly when schizophrenia begins.
What research evidence support the onset of Schizophrenia?
Lindmer et al. (2001) found that patients with late onset schizophrenia are more likely to be female, with less negative symptoms and have a shorter period of illness.
How do Genes link to Depression?
Depression has also been linked to genes. MZ twins have higher concordance for depression than DZ twins.
When are people most likely to suffer from Depression?
People are most likely to suffer their first depressive episode between 30-40 and there is a second, smaller peak of onset between 50-60
How can Depression affect you when you’re older?
Depression can be an effect of dementia in the elderly. It can also be caused by loneliness and social isolation which can happen in old age.
What has been found about Depression + Teenagers?
There is growing concern about depression in teenagers. Twenty years ago, depression in children was almost unknown. Now the fastest rate of increase in depression is among young people. There are several explanations for this lack