issues and debates Flashcards
Alpha bias definition
Gender differences over exaggerated
Alpha bias example
psychodynamic explanations for offending behaviour - criminality due to deviant superego, women less moral as penis envy not as hard to overcome as castration anxiety but criminals more likely to be male (Hoffman)
androcentrism definition
bias towards male-centred view - lots of studies in psychology use only male participants so generally paradigms more male centred
androcentrism example
fight or flight applied to all but more tend and befriend for women
beta bias
differences between males and females under-exaggerated
beta bias example
fight or flight applied to all but more tend and befriend for women
biological determinism definition
all human behaviour stems from genetic code / biology
biological reductionism definition
idea that behaviour can be reduced to simple isolated physical components eg, nerves
cultural relativism definition
view a person’s culture from perspective of someone within that culture, not your own
determinism definition
everything is pre-determined and has a cause
environmental determinism definition
idea that all human behaviour is direct result of environment and outside forces
environmental reductionism definition
idea that behaviour can be reduced to simple responses to environmental stimuli
ethnocentrism definition
bias towards your own culture and judging other cultures by that subjective standard
hard determinism definition
the idea that free will is non-existent and all choices and behaviour arise due to pre-existent causes
holism definition
type of learning approach that suggests that to understand behaviour we must look at a person as a whole of cumulative factors
idiographic approach
focus on unique experiences of each individual to understand human behaviour
interactionist approach
behaviour is a relatively equal mix of nature and nurture
nomothetic approach
approach that suggests we should establish general laws of behaviour that can be applied to all people
psychic determinism definition
idea that all behaviour is result of unconscious mental processes and upbringing
reductionism definition
to understand behaviour must reduce it down to simplest parts, isolated variables
social sensitivity definition
negative implications of study for certain groups of people
soft determinism definition
idea that although choices we pick from are limited and pre-determined, humans still have the free will to pick within these pre-determined choices
gender bias
differential treatment or representation of men and women based on stereotypes not real differences
universality definition