issues and debates Flashcards
Free will and determinism
is our behaviour a matter of free will or are we a product of a set of internal and or external influences that determine who we are and what we do?
hard determinism
suggesting that all human behaviour has a cause and in principle, it should be possible to identify and describe these causes.
such a position always assumes that everything we think and do is dictated by internal or external forces that we cant control,
this is too extreme
soft determinism
whilst it may be the job of scientist to explain what determines our behavior this does not detract from the freedom we have to make rational conscious choices in everyday situations
biological determinism
emphasizes the role of biological determinism in behaviour eg the influence of the ANS on the stress response or the influences of genes on mental health.
modern biological psychologist would recognises the mediating influences of the environment on our biological structures - another determinist influence
environmental determinism
free will is an illusion and argued that all behaviour is the result of conditioning.
although we might think we are acting independently our experiences of choice are merely the sum total of reinforcement contingencies that have acted upon us throughout our lives
psychic determinism
free will is an illusion but he emphasised the influence of biological drives and instincts.
he saw human behaviour as determined by unconscious conflicts repressed in childhood.
there is no such thing as an accident and even something as seemingly random as a slip of the tongue can be explained by the influence of the unconscious.
free will
human beings are essentially self-determining and free to choose their own thoughts and actions.
a belief in free will doesn’t deny that there may be biological and environmental forces that exert some influence on behaviour but nevertheless imply that we are able to reject these forces if we wish because we are in control of our thoughts/ behaviour.
free will is a view of human behaviour that is advocated by the humanistic approach.
the scientific emphasis on causal explanations
basic principles of science are that every event in the universe has a cause and that causes can be explained using general laws (hard determinism).
knowledge of causes and the formulation of laws are important as they allow scientists to predict and control events in the future
the lab experiments are the ideal of science as it enables researchers to demonstrate causal relationships it is like the test tube used in other science where all variables can be controlled.
Everything has a cause
Helps with prediction
Lab is best
practical value
strength- common sense we exercise free will but it can improve our mental health
a study conducted looked at teens who had a strong belief in determinism that their lives were decided by events outside of their control.
the study found that these teens were at significantly greater risk of developing depression.
it seems that people who exhibit an external rather than internal locus of control are less likely to be optimistic
this suggests that even if we do not have free will the fact that we believe we do may have a positive impact on mind and behaviour
research evidence
limitation- brain scan evidence doesn’t support it but does support determinism
ppt chose a random moment to flick their wrist while the psychologist measured the activity of their brain activity.
leading up to the conscious decision to move came around half a second before the ppt consciously feel they had decided to move.
this may be interpreted as meaning that even our most basic experiences of free will are actually determined by our brain before we are aware of them.
counter point
findings showing that the brain is involved in decision making is not surprising and are just as we would expect
just because the action comes before the conscious awareness of the decision to act doesn’t mean that there was no decision to act
just that the decision to act took time to reach consciousness.
our conscious awareness of the decision is simply a readout of our unconscious decision making
this evidence is not appropriate as a challenge to free will
the law
limitation + strength- position of the legal system on responsibility
the hard determinist stance is that individual choice is not the cause of behaviour. this is not consistent with the way in which our legal system operates. in a court of law, offenders are held responsible for their actions. indeed the main principle of our legal system is that a defendant exercised their free will in committing the crime
this suggest that in the real world determinist arguments do not work
idiographic- nomothetic debate
this debate has implications for the type of research method psychologists use whether we study individuals in-depth or study larger groups and discuss averages.
idiographic approach
suggests that psychology should be the study of individuals or groups we can understand human behaviour better
nomothetic approach
suggest that psychology should be the study of large and varied groups to make generalisations about what is typical in different aspects of human behaviour eg establishing norms