Issue 6 (Reasons for the Success for the Abolitionists) Flashcards
By the beginning of the 19th century those who supported the slave trade were in the descendancy. The abolitionist campaign was making steady progress and by 1807, after decades of fighting for ending the trade in human beings, the Abolition Act was passed by a majority of MPs in parliament.
Campaign of the Society of the Abolition of the Slave Trade
On the 22nd of May 1787 the Society for the abolition of the slave trade was formed. this was the first non-denomination committee, where people of different religions came together for the same cause to end the Slave Trade.
There was 12 founding members one of which was Thomas Clarkson who recruited William Wilberforce to be the parliamentary spokesmen.
Campaign of the Society of the Abolition of the Slave Trade
People such as Thomas Clarkson who went to port in Bristol and Liverpool to collect evidence from just over 20,000 sailors who worked with the slave trade. he also collected witnesses for the parliamentary investigations which provided Wilberforce with convincing evidence for his speeches.
Campaign of the Society of the Abolition of the Slave Trade
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The society also found support from powerful individuals in government, such as William pritt and the Prime Minister and Lord Fox who could influence fellow MPs to support abolition.
The Role of William Wilberforce
Wilberforce but forward the arguments of the Society for the Abolition in parliament for 18 years. during this he made many speeches against the slave trade which were often graphic but appealing and influenced other to support.
He was a christian and it was faith that led him to become interested in social reform. he linked the issues if factory reform in Britain with the slave trade, and he found the need to abolish the slave trade and slavery within the British Empire.
The Role of William Wilberforce
His personal qualities earned his respect with his colleagues and other MPs. one the 25th of March 1807 Wilberforce’s bill to end the slave trade was passed which gained him a standing ovation from his fellow MPs and he was acknowledged as an abolitionist for the Slave Trade.
The Role of William Wilberforce
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He was not a founding member of the campaign for the society for the abolition of the slave trade, and many believe that Thomas Clarkson deceivers as much or ever more credit for his equally tiredness efforts behind the scenes.
The Decline of Economic Important of Slavery
Due to Britain and France at war the slave trade has already declined by two-thrids as it was seen as harming the national interests in time of war.
The Ironworks in Birmingham, Sheffield and Falkirk were focused on the armed forces due to the ongoing war so trade grew in these industries instead of plantations.
The Decline of Economic Important of Slavery
The slave trade trade became less important in economic terms. there was no longer a need for large number of slaves to be imported to Britain colonies as the products from the plantation weren’t selling as fast. profits getting made varied.
The Decline of Economic Important of Slavery
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The use of slave were still used right up until 1807 when it became illegal. there is no evidence that plantation owners decided that wage labour was more profitable than slave labour as plantation still made profits.
Effects of Slave Resistance
In 1793 Britain and France went to war and the British attempts in invade St Domingue. they they arrived at the South the British through that taking the rest of the colony would be easy due to their success.
however, the British were unable to defeat Toussaint L’Ouverture and his forces and by 1998 they were forced to withdraw as the slave revolt had more power. due to the defeat of the military via the slaves it was uncertain that the slave could be kept under control by force.
Effects of Slave Resistance
The successful slave rebellion in St Domingue le to an exaggerated, general fear of slave revolt. It can be argued that Brian decided to exit the slave trade as a result of the revolt which sent a shock to the whole system.
Effects of Slave Resistance
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Abolitionists argued that it was poor treatment of slaves that was the causes for the revolts, and that if the conditions weren’t made better for slaves or that the use of slaves wasn’t stopped then further revolts would follow.
Military Factors
in 1805 Britain was safe form invasion by the French and Spanish ships due to Nelson’s naval victory at Trafalgar. Control of the seas meant British warships could stop and search any ship at seas as take them to Britain as prizes.
The abolition of the slave trade gave Britain pretext to stop nay foreign vessel and the opportunity to destroy enemy trade.
Military Factors
Napoleon’s efforts to restore slavery within the French island meant that the abolitionist campaign would help British so they could undermine Napoleon’s plans for the Caribbean. due to this the abolitionist were no longer considered pro French and the abolitionist campaign revived as a result.
Military Factors
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The act banned any slave trade between British merchants and foreign colonies in 1806 this was planned to attack French interests to win the Napolenoinc war. This act cleared the path fir an end to Britain involvement in the Atlantic Slave Trade.