Issue 1 (Development of the Slave Trade) Flashcards
the use if African slaves was not new. In the 16th century Spanish and Portuguese enslaved Africans. In the 18th century slavery was much larger and was used worldwide.
It was estimated that over 3 million people died due to slavery.
Shortage of Labour
In 1700 hundreds sugar was in more demand and was cheaper. needed a larger labour force to make more. They need more people to harvest canes, machines to extract juice and turn into molasses.
Increase demand plantations grew many Scottish, Welsh and Irish went over to work in plantations.
Shortage of Labour
White workers would leave the plantations after their 4,5 or 7 years of work within the plantations. The plantation owners couldn’t keep the white workers there as they had legal rights. This led to enslaving African for a more permeant workforce.
Shortage of Labour
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The Europeans were desperate for a work force that they could control and who wouldn’t be allowed to leave after a certain amount of time. Eric Williams stated that the Europeans would have “gone to the moon, if necessary, for labour. Africa although was nearer than the moon”
Military Factor
British spent over 55 years at war between the years of 1660 and 1800 this paid off as it made the military stronger as they expanded their trade so they could take over places such as the Caribbean.
British also gained power at sea as they used a naval reconstruction programme and captured enemy ships with overpowered Spanish and France naval forces.
Military Factors
Thought the years of 1739 and 1763 Brian managed to keep their sugar colonies safe for invasion which kept Britain out of an economical crisis. this meant trade could happen easily without fear of being attack from rival countries.
Military Factors
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Britain borrowed large sums of money at lower interest rate than France, it was put into military powers this kept them at their highest as well as introducing Tax to the British public to keep money flowing in to keep the military powers strong and protect the sugar colonies.
West Indian Colonies
when Europeans came over to America they found land that was fertile and the weather was good so they could grow cash crops and could build plantations.
plantations were a huge economical change, they usually specialised in one product such as sugar, tobacco ect. Many owners came form Britain, they needed larger labour force as, many more plantations were being built.
West Indian colonies
As the British were high of their riches so they kept enslaving Africans so the plantations could keep producing more goods to sell to keep their profits high.
West Indian Colonies
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West Indian colonies were the richest part of the first British empire as it made £50-60 million by 1775.
The more plantations they built the increase profits as by 1789 their profit was £70 million.
Racist Attitudes
Whites seen blacks as cattle breeders seen their animals. white only seen blacks as property, which made it easier for them to enslave blacks.
The whites seen blacks as lucky and it was a gift that the whites were saving them form unemployment and giving them protect and a place to live. the whites thought the Africans would be safer if the plantations than their own land.
Racist Attitudes
Adam Hochschild - Bury the Chains
“heathen illiterates with mind and bodies alike”
this is the way whites seen blacks in 1789.
Racists Attitudes
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Eric William - Capitalism of Slavery
“slavery was not born of racism: rather racism was the consequence of slavery”
The white were racists towards blacks as they were slaves not they enslaves the blacks because they were racist.
Religious Factors
The Church of England openly supported slavery. The Barbados plantations were very religious and would brand their slaves with ‘society’ reference to ‘society of the propagations of the Gospel’.
Many Europeans believed that were saving Africans as they came from a country which ‘worshiped the devil, practised which-craft and sorcery’. The Europeans wanted the slaves to find God and save their souls
Religious Factors
Many believed that God encouraged slavery. Many europeans believed they were saving the slaves from going to hell and would guide them into Gods path so that they could go to heaven.
Religious Factors
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Chapter 21 of Exodus
“Whoever steals a man and sells him, and if anyone is found in possession of him, shall be put to death”.
This passaged was banned in Britain as it openly opposed slavery.