Issue 4 Essay : Reasons for the Outbreak for the Irish Civil War Flashcards
Historical Context 1
The Anglo-Irish Treaty was to bring an end to the Irish War of Independence
-caused violence throughout the country.
Historical Context 2
saw the handover of power from the British to the new Irish Free State,
-partition introduced
-caused a split between the Republican movement.
What are the Factors
Anglo-Irish Treaty,
Role of the British government,
Divide in the republican movement,
the role of De Valera
the role of Michael Collins.
Anglo-Irish Treaty Knowledge
Ireland = free state
-still a part of the empire
partition established
-6 in north, 26 south
-Catholic Ulster wanted to join south
Anglo-Irish Treaty analysis
Many in Ireland resented being a part of the empire and being divided by partition
-Many voted for SF and Indep. but treaty did not meet desire
Anglo-Irish Treaty Analysis +
British Forced treaty on Liam Neeson, rep. ireland
-Divide is a result of British forcing terms on Ireland
De Valera and Collins led to outbreak of war
Role of British Government Knowledge
Treaty proposed by Britain saw Dominion Status
-elected rep. of parliament had to swear allegiance to the king
-crown represented by gov.gen
Garrison withdrawn
RIC disbanded
Role of British Government Analysis
Dominion status and oath of allegiance clear attempt by British to divide Republicans
-catalyst for conflict
Role of British Government Analysis +
Many felt that this was the best deal that could be negotiated from the British government
-Freedom to achieve the Republic” and a “Stepping stone for Independance
Divide in the Republican Movement Knowledge
Treaty Hotly debated in Dial
-Collins and much IRA supported
-DeValera said oppose even if it caused civil war
The Treaty was accepted by 64 votes to 57 by the Dáil Eíreann on 7th January 1922.
Divide in the Republican Movement Analysis
result of split
-Collins pro, De Valera anti,
De Valera tried to compromise to avoid war
-no compromise was reached
Divide in the Republican Movement Analysis +
pro-treaty supporters outnumbered the anti-treaty supporters, thus suggesting the issue wasn’t overly polarising.
MC Knowledge
Collins negotiated the Treaty with Churchill, Chamberlin and Lloyd George,
-pressured to sign it under a threat of escalation of the conflict.
Collins defended the Treaty as he claimed it gave Ireland ‘freedom to achieve freedom’.
MC Analysis
some argue that Collins negotiated a Treaty which he knew would have been rejected by many in the republican movement
-actions sparked civil war
MC analysis +
British government had forced Collins to sign the terms by threatening immediate war with Ireland if the terms were not agreed it was not Collins fault.
DV Knowledge
refused to accept terms of treaty
-violent conflict with the wishes of the majority of the nation’
-treaty meant partition and abandonment of sovereignty
Argues he should have been consulted before Treaty was signed
-resigned as President to be replaced by Griffith and Collins who became Head of the Irish Free Government.
DV analysis
delivered a series of speeches that openly endorsed and advocated for the violence against the pro-Treaty campaign.
-encouraged civil war to unite instead of helping collins
DV analysis +
De Valera hadn’t been entirely closed to a deal with Britain he had sent the delegation over to Britain to negotiate
- he was not a firm Republican as he claimed to be
-Anglo-Irish treaty that had spurned De Valera onto becoming more violent/aggressive in his politics