Isolation and File ID Flashcards
The ________ protects the patent
from swallowing or aspirating
instruments and materials.
rubber dam
Rubber dam
• It is simply impossible to eliminate micro-organisms in the presence of saliva with its multitude of micro-organisms • ONLY a properly applied \_\_\_\_\_\_ can insure the absence of saliva in the surgical field
Failure to eliminate salivary leakage by proper
placement of the rubber dam creates _________ which has the potential of turning a
simple, routine, uncomplicated RCT into life threatening
cellulitis by introducing additional micro-organisms
which can greatly complicate the infection.
Is it ever okay to leave a tooth open?
NEVER; salivary contamination
If saliva is not effectively sealed by your dam
placement, you can be assured that ______ will leak
into the mouth as you irrigate.
Non-latex \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is available in the Clinic and is necessary to prevent problems arising from latex allergies
Select a rubber dam which is radiolucent or radiopaque and
leave it in place when taking radiographs?
How many teeth should be isolated in endo?
only tooth treated
Rubber dam clamp # _____ is designed for an anterior tooth
the Clamp should rest at the cervical line ____
the height of contour to be adequately retained.
below HOC
T/F: Even after the Dam is released from the wings of the clamp, it may be
necessary to use some type of sealing agent to caulk around the tooth to
insure isolation.
_____ by Ultradent (available in dispensary) is being used to caulk
around the tooth to eliminate salivary contamination.
T/F: If you cannot place an effective rubber dam, you cannot do a RCT on the tooth.
An _______ can be added as a matrix, for strength and to protect
against fracture.
orthodontic band
If patient is a copious saliva producer, you might consider Rx \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 15 mg. (propantholine) ½-1 hour before appointment to control extraordinary salivary flow if not otherwise contraindicated by patient’s med. history
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ file – Takes a sharper edge – Is fairly flexible up to #20 – Can be pre-curved easily to negotiate very curved canals (Retains the shape) – Increases geometrically in stiffness as diameter increases – Efficient when used by hand – Separates if overused or abused, usually with some warning ***
Stainless Steel Hand File
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ file – Edge not as sharp (Motor-driven for efficient shaping) – Is extremely flexible (super- elastic but difficult to pre-curve) – Has nearly perfect shape memory (will NOT hold a curve) – Works efficiently in engine driven handpieces – Separates if overused or abused, usually with NO warning ***
Nickel-Titanium Motor Driven
\_\_\_\_\_ files: • Made of twisted tapered Stainless Steel Wire having a square, triangular or diamond shaped cross section. Basically are SCREWS
SS K-Type Hand Files
What is the color sequence for files after .10?
White Yellow Red Blue Green Black
Should you use continual clockwise motion for hand files?
____ files are basic to endodontic shaping. They are essential for:
- Scouting the canal (#10 or #08)
- Creating a Glide Path (#10 to patency and #15 to WL only)
- Bypassing a ledge, blockage or separated instrument
- Gaining length
Hand Files
As you increase file size up to .60, how much larger does the diameter get?
As you increase file size over .60, how much larger does the diameter get?
.1 mm
All standardized K-Type hand files are ____ Taper
Will hand or reciprocal files maintain a bend?
Hand files
_____ files give us the GREATEST TACTILE SENSE of all
intra-canal shaping instruments and serve as Pathfinders &
basic instrumentation to negotiate Canal Curves & Blockages.
T/F: Don’t go to the next larger file until you have
worked the smaller file to the point that the next
larger file goes to the desired length WITHOUT
______ Motion to Advance to Length
______ filing from length desired to
remove (Press against alternate walls of canal and
pull back for a filing motion)
Circumferential Filing
Can you place a straight file in a curved root?
Should you bend a hand file slightly before inserting?
On the other hand, if you place a straight file in a
curved canal,(remember ALL canals are curved)
the file will track the outer wall of the curve and
gouge the canal at that point creating what we call
a ______
If this happens what do you do?
-When a scouting file fails to advance but is LOOSE in
the canal; do not push but simply realize that the canal
takes a bend at this point.
• Remove the scouting file and place a 45 ̊ bend in the
most terminal flutes.
\_\_\_\_\_ files are the ONLY way to “scout” a canal. -are the ONLY way to bypass a ledge or separated instrument. -are the ONLY way to negotiate and smooth a tight curve to smooth the Glide Path or to Regain Lost Length
• Hand Files
_____ files
They tend to PUSH MATERIAL AHEAD of the file
They are used in 3 passes to PREVENT pushing debris out
the end of the root where it would cause inflammation
On a vertex blue rotary file, what does the colored band mean?
File size
On a vertex blue rotary file, what do the black bands mean?
• Intended Use: Rotated in canal to entangle and remove vital pulp
– SS Hand Instrument with plastic handle
– A round wire which is barbed by scoring and prying a tag of metal away from
the long axis of the wire
– If Broach becomes bound within the canal or forced around a canal curvature,
it will routinely break upon removal attempt ***
We do NOT recommend the use of ith except in large, straight canals
Barbed Broach
The ____ is used only rarely as it is
effective only by advancement & rotation
and useful only in a straight canal. It is
dangerous when used in a curved canal
as ledging is the usual result of its
usage. The tip is cutting in nature.
It is made by twisting a square
or triangular wire but the angle between
the long axis of the instrument and the
cutting blade is small so it is ineffective
when used in a filing motion
A Ground Round wire Cuts aggressively on pull stroke Vulnerable to rotation Prone to fracture Used by Faculty
Hedstroem file