Islamic Empires Flashcards
What was Mecca before Muhammad?
A trading city, gambling, prostitution, polytheistic
How did Muhammad become Muslim?
He was a normal guy who heard a revelation from an angel telling him that he is the next prophet
After he was recruited a follower of Allah, their one god that they believed in if you are Muslim, —
He was critical of Mecca because Mecca was a very holy city and gambling, etc was bad for business
When Muhammad was critical of Mecca what did everyone say?
People didn’t care! They wanted him dead.
When Mecca threw him out where did Muhammad go?
On a hijra to Yathrib (start of Islamic calendar)
Yathrib was renamed:
Muslim religious community
Who were the other prophets after Muhammad?
After being kicked to Yathrib, Muhammad did what after he gained many more followers?
He attacked Mecca and forced them to convert to Islam
When Muhammad died, people argued over who would promote Allah’s teachings. What were the Sunni and Shia?
Sunni Muslims believed that
- Abu Bakr should take over
- First friends not relation
Shia Muslims believed
- Ali should take over
- Muhammad’s cousin
What were the 5 Pillars of Faith?
1: Be monotheistic with only Allah as your god
2: Pray 5 times a day
3: Fasting (can’t eat during daylight at Ramadan)
4: Alms- give to the poor
5: Hajj
What was the Umayyad Dynasty?
- network of alliances = stable
- Conquering dynasty (N Africa, India)
- Taxed people for not being Muslim to give a slight push
Didn’t govern correctly, casual attitudes, DOWNFALL
What was the Qu’ran
The Qu’ran is the central religious text of Islam, believed by Muslims to be a revelation from God
When was the Islamic golden age?
The Abbasid Dynasty!
Abbasid Dynasty Achievements
- Bureaucratic
- Made libraries
- Geometric architecture
- Thicker Paper, Algebra
- Trade with West Africa
- Qu’ran calls for knowledge so they are searching