Islamic beliefs Flashcards
Define tawhid
The basic Muslim belief in the oneness of God
Define prophethood
The term used of the messengers of God, beginning with Adam and ending with the Prophet Muhammad.
Define halal
This means ‘permitted’. For example, certain foods in Islam are Halal.
Define haram
This means ‘forbidden’. Some actions and things are haram in Islam, such as eating certain foods.
Define malaikah and give two relevant quotes
In the Qur’an, believers ‘believed in God and his angels and his books and his messengers’
The angel Jibril ‘brought the Qur’an down upon your heart’
Define jihad
Means ‘to strive’. There are two forms of jihad.
Greater jihad is the daily struggle and inner spiritual striving to live as a Muslim.
Lesser jihad is a physical struggle or ‘holy war’ in defence of Islam.
Define mosque
A place of ‘prostration’ for Muslims. It is a communal place of worship for a Muslim community.
Define shari’ah
A ‘straight path’ and a way of life; Muslims believe that God has set out a clear path for how Muslims should live.
Shari’ah law is the set of moral and religious rules that put the principles set out by the Qur’an and the Hadith into practice.
Define ummah
Literally ‘community’. Refers to the worldwide community of Muslims who share a common religious identity
Give seven characteristics of Allah
Immanent, transcendent, beneficent, just, fair, merciful, omnipotent
Explain adalat
Adalat is the justice of God, and is given particular emphasis in Shi’a Islam.
Shia’s want to stress that God is perfect justice, utter fairness, and complete wisdom. Although he is all powerful, he will never do anything that goes against his own characteristics.
Define akhirah
The afterlife
‘To him you will be returned’
Explain the nature of prophethood
Communication between God and humans is called risalah
The prophets were humans chosen by God to give God’s guidance to the people, not their own guidance.
‘We have not sent a messenger except in the language of his people to clarify the message for them’
Why are prophets important in Islam?
God sent many prophets throughout history to guide his people. Prophets are humans chosen to carry God’s message.
25 of the prophets are mentioned in the Qur’an by name, many of who are people from the Jewish and Christian scriptures
Who was Adam, and why was he an important prophet?
Formed from God from a handful of soil; Eve created from his rib. Banished from blah blah blah, you know the story of Adam and Eve.
Called the father of the human race.
Became the first prophet.
Created as a khalifah (God’s representative on Earth).