islam quotes - re Flashcards
- Creator
Allah is creator of all, and he is the one, the supreme
- Reward is due
But if a person forgives and makes recompense/reconciliation, his reward is due from Allah
- do not … oaths
Do not break oaths after their confirmation… indeed, Allah knows what you do
- mankind
If anyone kills a person - unless in retribution for murder… it is as if he kills mankind
- believe, revealed, received
We believe in Allah and that which he revealed unto us… the prophets received from their lord
- transgress
Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress limits
- Do not kill.. c,w,e,s
Do not kill any child, any women, or any elderly or sick people
Affirm your faith..
Affirm your faith in Allah, his angels, his books, his messengers and his prophets and that you affirm your faith in the resurrection hereafter
- until death
Worship your lord until there comes to you the certainty (death)
99 names
- heaven
There are 99 names of Allah, he who commits them to memory will get to paradise
- recite + pray
Recite what has been revealed to of the book and establish prayer
- right hand
The day we will call forth every people with their records or deeds. Then whoever is given his record in his right hand… injustice will not be done to them
Raise from dead quote
Allah will resurrect those in their graves
Powerful (1)
- creator
- worship
- control
Such is Allah, your lord; their is not God but he, the creator of all things; so, worship him (and him alone), and he has charge of all things
- bounty
Your lord’s bounty is not restricted
- hugs
My mercy embraces all things
Forgiving (2)
- seek
- ap, ef
Allah is all-pardoning, ever-forgiving
I seek Allah’s forgiveness
- ?
Is Allah not the best of all judges?
- forgiveness
He received forgiveness from his lord
- bowed
- tof - faith
True in faith
Bowed his will to Allah
- promises
He was strictly true to what was promised
- special
For he was specially chosen and he was a messenger
Isa (2)
- messages
- servant
I am indeed a servant of Allah
He gave me revelations and made me a prophet
- follow = good
I leave behind 2 things, the Qur’an and the example of my life. If you follow these you will not fail
Angels (2)
- death
- messages
He brings down the revelations to your heart by Allah’s will
Brought back to your lord
- guidance + light
It was we who revealed the law to Moses, therein was guidance and light
- book + knowledge
We have already given the family of Abraham the books and wisdom
- servants
My servants shall inherit the Earth
- apostle
No more than an apostle of God
Qur’an (2)
- compassion + merciful
- guidance + fear
In it’s guidance sure without doubt to those who fear Allah
In the name of Allah the most compassionate and merciful
Al-Qadr (3)
- erases
- soul die
- Allah says = only that will happen
Nothing will happen to us except what Allah has decreed for us
Allah erases and confirms what he wishes
Nor can a soul die except by Allah’s leave, the term being fixed as writing
- recorded
- payed
Every soul shall be paid in full
Every small and great thing is recorded
Hell (2)
- water
- gof
Garments of fire
Scalding water
Heaven (3)
- water
- seats
- jardin
Running streams
Jewelled couches
Salah (4)
- prescribed
- bow
- water
- control over s+i actions
Keeping up regular prayer obligatory for the believers at prescribed times
Bow down your head with those who bow down in worship
Restrains from shameful and unjust deeds
Remove sins as water removes dirt
- rewards
Whatever you give in charity … will earn multiple rewards
- prescribed
- patience
Fasting is prescribed for you, so that you may be mindful of God
Learn self-restrain
Pilgrimage to the house is a duty owed to God, for those who are able
- m,nr,o+n
1/5 is for Allah, the messenger, the near relatives, the orphan and the needy
Jihad (3)
- God - aware of him
- permission
- peace
Be mindful of God and strive for his cause
Permission is given to fight because they are wronged
If an enemy inclines towards peace then you shall also incline towards peace
Command good
- support
- order
Support each other
Order what is right
No evil
- path + may
You may be guided
Night of power
- future is chosen
Determines in this night each and very event to occur the next year
- omniscient God
Any good you do, God is fully aware thereof
Peace (3)
- muhammad
- ignorant
- 2 parties fight
When the ignorant address them they say ‘peace’
An amicable settlement is best
2 parties fight = make peace between them
Peace and nature - just war (2)
- do not
- do not
Do not spoil the cultivated fields and gardens
Do not destroy the villages and towns
Capital punishment - agree (2)
Except by justice and the law = take life Kill if: married adulterer deserter of his din a life for a life
Just war
- money
Give him a reward of great value
Holy war
Fight them until there is no more persecution and worship is devote to God
- brothers
Every muslim is a brother to ever muslim
Fair treatment
- forbids (2) sdi
Forbids all shameful deeds and injustice
Unjust = punished
- forbids (3) ibco
Forbids all immorality, bad conduct and oppression
Torture (2)
- do not..
- torture will be in afterlife for those who torture
Do not torture the creation of Allah
Allah will torture those, who torture people in this world
Capital punishment - agree (2)
- except if they are X2
Except by justice and the law = take life Kill if: married adulterer deserter of his din a life for a life