Islam: Practises Flashcards
What is Zakah?
Third pillar of Islam - giving alms in order to help those in need and purify the giver and the rest of their money
What percent is this (minimum)?
2.5% of income
What if someone can’t afford to do Zakah?
They don’t have to give money but can perform Zakah in other ways e.g. show kindness to other people
Why is Zakah important?
It was practised by Muhammad and continued by his successors especially during times of early war in defence of Islam
Why is Zakah given?
Obeying Allah
Reminds them that living by the will of Allah is also about other people
Duty to help others
Reminds not to focus on themselves
Encourages them to not be greedy
Ensures they’re not too absorbed in own lives
Teaches self discipline and encourages honesty
Reminds them everything (inc Money) comes from Alllah
What are the benefits of Zakah in society?
Keeps financial differences small
Allows poor people to feed and home their families
Stop money being stored up by the wealthy
Promotes social harmony as it makes society and people within it more equal
Makes sure people do not envy other’s wealth or possessions
How does Zakah benefit/demonstrate to the rich?
Shows that those who are wealthy can use what they have to assist others
By giving Zakah, what does it ensure for Muslims?
They will have far greater rewards both in this life and the afterlife
What is the value of money to Muslims?
Money is simply something to be exchanged for what is needed in order to live - it itself has no value
What does it say about Zakah in the qur’an?
“And be steadfast in prayer; practise regular charity”
What is Khums?
A religious tax that some Shi’a Muslims pay in addition to Zakah
What % is it and who does it go to?
20% tax and is given to orphans, the poor and travellers.
What is Hajj?
An annual pilgrimage to Makkah that a Muslim must take at least once in their lifetime (unless restrained by financial or health problems)
What is the origin of Hajj (Story of Hagar and Ismail)
Hagar and Ismail (ibrahim’s wife and son) has fled to the desert to escape the jealousy of Ibrahim’s other wife Sarah.
Ibrahim left his wife and child after being instructed by god and gave them some food and water, but it quickly ran out.
Hagar ran between two hills to find help but failed
However, when Ismail struck the foot in the ground, water flowed and they were saved.
God then instructed ibrahim to build a shrine which became the Ka’aba and the two hills - Safa and Marwa
Why is Hajj important?
Makkah was Muhammad’s birthplace and he was living here when Qur’an was revealed to him.
It’s one of the holiest places for Islam
It is one of the five pillars
When is it excusable to not go on Hajj?
If they are ill, can’t go due to a disability, or don’t have enough money