Christianity: Beliefs Flashcards
What is the nature of God?
Belief that God is all powerful - Omnipotent
God is the creator of the world and the salvation of humanity
God is loving - Benevolent (Protected Jews and sent Jesus to save humanity from sin.)
God is just - Fair, right and good. (Promise to care and rewards the good and punishes the bad)
What is a Bible quote for the Nature of God?
“For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, might and awesome.” - Deuteronomy 10:17
What is the problem with evil and suffering considering God?
People ask questions like:
- If god is all powerful and all caring, why does he allow suffering
- Does he care if humans suffer?
- Has he unfairly abandoned humans?
In the Holy trinity, what is the Father?
God the father is presumed to be the creator of the world and sent his son Jesus to save humanity.
He created humanity and also wants to save it.
Father is seen as powerful.
What is the son?
Jesus is believed to be the Son of God.
Believed to had existed before creation and came down to save humanity.
It is through him that we have been saved and can have a relationship with god in heaven after death.
What is the (Holy) Spirit?
The person of god who communicates with people in everyday life
He has spoken through prophets and was sent to the disciples after Jesus’s death so that God could be present to humanity
Many say the Holy Spirit lives in their hearts
What is a quote about the Holy Spirit?
“All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages.” -Acts2:3-4
How does the Holy trinity influence Christians today?
Most Christians believe in the trinity
Jesus death at Easter and birth at Christmas and Holy Spirit at Pentecost.
Christians pray to Jesus as well as God the Father.
Baptisms are given in the name of “The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit”
What does the Nicene Creed state about God?
- God is one
- God the father made the world and everything else
- Jesus is also God
- Jesus came to earth as a human-born of the Holy Spirit and Mary to save humanity
- Jesus died, rose and ascended to heaven
- Jesus will come at the end of time to judge humanity
- Holy Spirit gives life and has influenced prophets
What is the oneness of God?
Christians believe in one God and God’s nature is one and unified.
“The Lord is our God, the Lord Alone.” (Deuteronomy 6:4)
Idolatry (worshipping idols) is forbidden in Old Testament.
What is natural suffering?
Suffering caused by natural events e.g. natural disasters and disease
E.g tsunamis and volcanoes and cancer e.t.c
What is moral suffering?
Caused by something a human being chooses to do, such as killing someone else.
Some say that moral suffering is a result of evil
E.g. Murder, theft, exploitation
What are Christians arguments for people that question God’s love and power e.g Why does suffering happen if God loves us?
- People do evil because they have free will
- Argue people have the freedom to make their own decisions
- Shows people are genuine good if they choose not to do evil
This does not solve the problem of natural suffering.
What is another argument?
God is being just - Humans deserves punishment for their sin
However, it does not justify why the innocent seem to have the MST suffering.
Maybe suffering is just and cannot do everything/free will with evil is better then no freedom
What is the beliefs of creation in Genesis 1?
Before the creation there was nothing but God’s Spirit moved and God spoke, and things came into being.
Over 6 days God created the world: light, animals, sea e.t.c
Everything is in God’s image and gave the world to humans to look after.
On the 7th day he rested.
“Then God said:’Let there be light!’;and there was light.” (Genesis 1:3)
What is the beliefs about creation in Genesis 2?
More detail and everything happens in a different order I.e. man is created before animal
Creation of woman is different and made from Adam’s rib.
Commanded not to eat fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil
What happens in Genesis 3?
The serpent tempts woman and she eats it.
They lose innocence and realise they are naked and are ashamed.
God finds out, curses them and casts them out the Garden of Eden.
What are the 3 main points of John 1:1-18?
- Word of God Is God -God’s grace
- Jesus was present before creation
- Jesus played a part in creation
How does creation influence Christians today?
Makes them feel special - uniquely created beings
Some believe God created the world but has some scientific aspects
Believe God gave the world to humans; they rule it, or have denomination over it
Believe they have a great responsibility
What is heaven/hell/purgatory?
Heaven - a place people go after death, with God
Hell- A place people go after death, without God
Purgatory - A place Catholics believe people may go after death to do penance before going to heaven
What do some Christians believe about resurrection?
Believe there will be a bodily resurrection for everybody at judgement at the end of time, when souls and bodies will be reunited.
Some believe Resurrection is immediate after death.
Some believe Resurrection is delayed until the end of time.
Some believe the body will be resurrected while some believe it won’t
However all Christians believe in an afterlife
Why do Christians believe in the resurrection of the body?
Because Jesus was raised from the dead in some sort of bodily form and he also raised others from the dead physically.
Jesus also taught that the dead will be raised from their graves at a coming time.
Why do others believe in the immorality of the soul ?
Jesus promised an eternal life, not life that ends and starts again in the future.
He also told one of the thieves on the cross that he would be in heaven that day, which implies the thief will not have to resurrect at the don of time.
“Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” - Luke 23:24
Why is resurrection important?
Christians believe that there will be life after death:
- This comforts them because they know death isn’t the end
- This can encourage them to live good lives because they know God is going to judge them.
The existence of resurrection illuminates God:
- God is powerful enough to overcome death (Jesus resurrection)
- God is loving and forgiving (Wants humans to enjoy heaven with him)
What is the beliefs on judgement?
Judgement is an event at the end of time where each individual will be judged by God on what they believe and whether they lived a good or bad life.
Believe it results in either being sent to heaven or hell (or purgatory)
Catholic believe in immortality of soul and resurrection of body so they believe people will be judged twice.