Islam practices Flashcards
10 obligatory acts which denomination
Shia muslims
- furu’al din
10 obligatory acts
khums- 20%annual tax used to help poor and needy
Amr bil Maroof- promoting good action
Nahi anil munkar- stopping wrong if you are able
Jihad- struggle to believe in allah and follow practices
Tawalla- expressing love to those who are righteous and believe in allah
Tabarra- achieving a distance from eveildoers and enemies of allah
Salah- commiting to daily prayers
sawm- fasting(ramadan)
zakah-giving portion of wealth to help poor
Hajj- pilgrimage to mecca
5pillars of islam
which denomination
5 pillars of Islam
Shahada- declaration of faith
salah- ritual prayer
sawm- fasting
zakat - almsgiving
Hajj- pilgrimage
sayings of muhammed
Guide to salah
ritual prayer
5/3 times a day preferably in a mosque
- call to prayer(adhan)
- wudu ritual washing
-rak’ah praying sequence
call to prayer
muezzin makes adhan in arabic whilst facing the quiblah in the direction of makkah,sometimes he climbs the minaret
second call is given to let worshippers know that prayer is about to begin
ritual washing before prayer
mouth 3x
nose 3x
face 3x
arms washed (elbow included)3x
head ears and neck
feet washed thotoughly
intention to worship allah with a pure heart
private worship- the act of calling and remebering allah
-perform wudud for niyyah
-face quiblah
- raise hands (encouraged by muhammed)
call upon allah in a low voice
praise allah,invoke him wih his names,
ask for all you need and make dua for others
conclude with amin and then wipe your hands over your face as it is sunnah to do so
complete sequence of prayer
1.hands raised to ears “allahu akbar”
2.standing,opeing of quran is recited
3.Bowing to demonstrate respect
4.standing upright ,hands to side
5.Prostrating on the ground
6.sit back with hands placed on knees
7.sit on knees ,bless fellow muslims”salams”
friday prayer
- done instead of zuhr prayer
- women slaves, children and the sick do not have to go to a mosque
sermon given by the imam at jumu’ah
- joins muslim community(ummah)
shia vs sunni prayer
shia 3x a day
sunni 5x a day
shiaprostrate on natural materials(wood/clay)
wprship in a mosque is integral because…
Khutubah- validation of prayer
worship in a mosque is unessecary because…
private worship
women and children
other ways of demonstrating devotion
state of holiness required for Hajj
- was body and perform wudu before arriving at makkah
- special clothing: men- 2 peices of unsewn white cloth
women- simple white dresss and headscarf
How do followers show self control during Hajj
Dont have sex
no violence
dont cut nails
dont shave
dont wear perfume
dont marry
dont damage plants
Hajj day 1
Tawaf- walk 7 times around kaaba and touch it - muhammed did so on his final visit to makkah
- muslim unity
Sa’y- running between the 2 hills of As safa and Al marwa 7 times- reenacts hagars search for water when she was left alone with ismail until he dug his heel in the ground
Hajj day 2
Arafat- muslims travel to the mount of mercy at the plain of arafta and pilgrims will face towards the kaaba and plead for forgiveness
they then camp at muzdalifah and collect 49 pebbles
Hajj day 3
Pilgrims travel to mina and the stoning of iblis takes place
thrwoing the pebbels at 3 pillars
sacrifice sheep and goats and shave head(sunnah)
muhammeds actions