Islam beleifs Flashcards
name of majority islam beleievrs
sunni muslims
minority denomination
leader for sunni muslims vs shia
sunni abu bakr-close friend of muhhamed
shia ali- second person to accept muhammed as prophet
six articles of faith
sunni islam
tawhid- oneness of allah
Risalah- how allah communicates with humans
Malaikah- beleif about angels
Kutub- holy books
Risalah- prophethood(messengers of allah)
Akirah- beleif of life after death
Al Qadr - beleif of predestination- allahs masterplan
5 roots of usul ad din
Shia islam
Al tawhid- oneness of allah
Al Adl- Belief of divine justice(objective right and wrong)
Al nubuwwah- belief of prophethood
Al Immah- beleif in immams
Al Maad- belief in the day of resurrection
agree in articles and roots of faith
oneness of allah
beleif in life after death
disagree in articles and roots of faith
- divine justice-shia beleive in right and wrong,sunni beleive in predestination(allah decides)
- predestination- sunni beleive in predestination,shia reject it to be fully free to be judged
-Imams- shia beleive in imams as spiritual leaders which are directly descendedfrom muhammed pbuh( first 11 were martyred and the 12th is yet to be revealed),sunni beleive it is threatening the monotheism of islam as they are semi divine
differences in prayer
shia:3x a day,sunni:5x a day
shia use bricks when praying
different starts to ramadan
ali is added in prayer in shia islam
what is shirk
depiction of allah-sin
- idolatary
- unforgivable sin
quotes for allah
“lord of all the worlds”
“you alone do we worship”
“the compassionate”
“the mercifull”
beleifs of tawhid
- everything is allahs will
-humble attitude - omnipotence
scriptures from prophets
tawrat of musa
zabur of dawud
injil of isa
suhuf ibrahim
beleifs about prophets
-model muslims(perfect and sinless)
-recieve messages through books(rasuul)
importance of prophets sunni
central importance
muhammed is the seal of the prophets,final person to receive gods relevation
importnace of prophets shia
cental importance
al nubuwwah
12 imams pose same charecteristics as prophets
god communicates through inspiration
first man created
- asked allah for forgiveness
- first man and prophet of islam
-child of israel
- paroah ordered killingof israelites so his mother placed him into a river onnly to be picked up by the pharoah where is mother was the nanny
- called for release of the israelites
-led israelites under allahs guidance
- demonstrates power of allah to protect who he chooses
-prophet and a king
-killed giant goliath and became king of israelites
-made israelites respect allah
-born into polytheistic families,father was an idol maker
-beleived in allah
-told people of babylon that is was wrong to worship idols and was sent out
- was prepared to sacrifice his son for allah
- chosen as a prophet
-son of ibrahim as a blessing from allah
- followed allahs commands by leaving his mother and son in a deserted place (Kaaba in makkah)
-as the water was running out hekicked the floor and water spurted out
- rebuilt kaaba
- born to vigin mary and no father
- fortold coming of prophet muhammed
-messiah who will come at the end of the world - performed miracles
life of muhammed
-born in makkah
-was orphaned and illiterate
-became a trader known for his –generosity honesty and wisdom
-lived in makkah- polytheistic city,dishonest and greedy
- married to kadija and his sons both died
-night of power( received first verses of Quran,during end of ramadan)
- angel Jibril appeared and revealed frist message from allah
-message rejected by meccans, forced to flee for his life (the higra)
- ruled yathrib tribe
-battle of mecca for 23 years and then retook it as a muslim city
- after death there was a leadership battle between ali and abu bakr
equality quote-prophet muhammed)
“you will inflict nor suffer any inequity”
judge quote - prophet muhammed
“one day you shall appear before allah and answer your deeds”
violence - prophet muhammed
“hurt noone so that noone may hurt you”
status of women quote
“Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and commited helpers)
5 pillar quote
“Worship Allah ,say your 5 daily prayers,fast during a month of ramadan, and give your wealth in zakat,perform hajj if you can afford to
Seal of the prophet (explain)
- he fufilled all the previous prophecies
- will of allah is presented universally
- the reverations of allah are timeless
- the quran is presented
- last prophet to receive allahs relevation
Attributes of Muhammed
leadership- led followers into battle
Wisdom,honesty and kindness- became a trader known for this
Wisdom- stroy of the black stone- problem solved without violence
Bravery- risked facing persecution
Faithfullness- went against religion he was raised by
study of the last things
- belief of the worlds end
foreknowledge of all things
-everything is wriiten down before creation
preserved tablet- al lawh almahfooz
mu’tazilah theological school
influence on shia theology
- humans have total free will as god cannot cause evil
god allows suffering to test faith
moral actions are either good or evil
Righteous will be rewarded with paradise and wicked with hell
reject predestination
Al ashari theological school
- trying to find middle way between free will and predestination
- humans have have some free will of action but total free will of thought
- humans cannot truly understand ideas about freedom and justice
alternative view of no free will- determinism
life after death
beleifs on akhirah and our current life
- this life is preperation for next
- must act as stewards for gods creation as we are representatives of allah
- muslims find true path by studying and follwing the quran and emulating the example of muhammed
what happens to the soul after death
- after death the soul is taken from the body and waits its fate in barzakh
what is barzakh
the period of waiting between death and day of judgement
beliefs of barzakh
- soul experience is affected by life it has led,good - reward,bad-punishment
- others believe that the souls are given temporary bodies, either light or dark to reflect good or bad
belief of what will happen on the approach of the last day of judgement
- isa as the messiah will return and bring together all muslims , or lead a battle until only islam is left
- 12th hidden imam will reveal himself instead of Isa
belief of what will happen on last day of judgement
Allah is the bringer of judgment and will display perfect justice
peoples lives are seen as a test of beleif and obedience to allah(beleiver or not
- physical ressurection of all the dead will take place
what happens to muslims and nonmuslims after judgment
true muslims are rewarded and admitted to paradise
nonmuslims will be punished and sent to hell
however allah is mercifyl and bad people may eventually enter heaven
only shirk permanently excludes forgivness
metaphor for day of judgemnt
passing over a narrow bridge over hell trying to reach paradise
- those who fall due to the weight of sins willl remain in hell
exceptions for day of judgment
warriors- died fighting in the cause of god immediatly sent to the presence of god whilst enemies of islam are immediately sent to hell
- martyrdom:
dying in childbirth,certain illnesses,drowning,defending property,dying during hajj
al jannah
heaven- a beautiful garden with youth and happiness
“ constant state of peace”
hell - a place of punishment and eternal suffering
or purification for sinful believers
- phsychological/metaphorical
-nor male nor female
- made from divine light
- no free will as their only purpose is to serve allah
- record all peoples deeds
Jibril (angel)
chief angel
brought gods message to muhammed and other prophets
sometimes takes the shape of a man
has 600 wings covering the sky
Angel of death
Brings news of punishment to unbelievers
Separates soul from body
ends a persons life by taking their last breath
Will take believers to paradise
Angel of last judgment
blows a trumpet to announce day of ressurection
when he first sounds the trumpet everything will be destroyed
Onm the second blast of the trumpet, all humans will be brought back to life
Guardian of heaven
Only mentioned once in the Qur’an
This angel sends rain thunder and lightning to earth according to muhammed