Islam Practices Flashcards
How are the five pillars important?
They are important as they are duties to be completed by all Muslims and fundamental practices that are seen to be the key to living a perfect Muslim life.
What are the five pillars?
Shahadah- Declaration of faith
Salah - prayer
Zakah - charitable giving
Sawm - fasting
Hajj - pilgrimage
What are the ten obligatory acts -
The ten obligatory acts combine the five pillars and some additional duties. These are followed by Shi’a Muslims.
Name the ten obligatory acts -
Salah - prayer
Zakat - charitable giving
Sawm - fasting
Hajj - pilgrimage
Khums - 20 percent tax to charity and religious leaders.
Jihad - the struggle to maintain the faith and defend islam
Amr bil Maruf - encouraging people to do what is good
Nahi Anil Munkar - discouraging people to do wrong
Tawallah - showing love for God and people who follow him
Tabarra - not associating with the enemies of God.
What is the phrase that is called Shahadah -Why is it important and what is done?
“There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah”
It’s important to Muslims as it expresses the core beliefs of Islam.
The Shahadah is considered to provide the foundation of the other four pillars, which tell a Muslim how to live according to the beliefs expressed in the Shahadah. To become a Muslim, a person only has to recite the Shahadah in front of Muslim witnesses. Recited many times during a Muslims life. If they are born in a Muslim family, it’s the first thing they hear, and if possible the last thing they say.
To observe the duty of Salah, Sunni and Shia Muslims must do what.
Sunni Muslims must pray 5 times a day and Shia Muslims pray 3 times a day.
What do Muslims perform before they pray?
Perform Wadu, which means to spiritually clean themselves before they pray.
Where do Muslims face when they pray -
Face the city of Makkah.
When Muslims pray in a mosque men and women are -
divided into separate groups.
Who are prayers led by?
Imam who are religious leaders
What are the times of prayers?
Fajr - before sunrise
Zuhr - just after midday
Asr - afternoon
Maghrib - Just after sunset
Isha - night
What are the differences between Shi’a Muslims and Sunni Muslims when praying.
Shia Muslims combine the midday and afternoon prayers and the sunset and night prayers, so they pray the same amount as Sunni Muslims but only 3 times in a day.
Also Sunni Muslims pray on a prayer mat, while Shi’a Muslims pray on a natural element.
How do Muslims achieve Wadu?
They wash their faces, feet, hands under running water. Mosques have two separate rooms for Women and Men.
If water is not available, how can you perform Wadu?
Cleanse yourself with sand or dust, emphasizes that its not about being physically clean, but spiritually.
Why is Wadu important?
Helps Muslims to fully concentrate on the prayers.
Why is it important that Muslims face the Makkah when praying?
Praying in the same direction means that all Muslims are focusing on one place associated with God.
Where does the Imam lead his prayers?
In the men’s room which is often broadcasted to the women’s room, so he can lead prayers together.
Prayers are made of what?
A number of rak’ah: set sequences of actions and recitations.
What are the five stages of Rak’ah
First you stand and recite the first chapter from the Qur’an.
Then you bow ( showing respect) and recite in Arabic ‘Glory be to my Lord who is the very greatest’ three times
Stand again and make a recitation praising God.
Kneel with the forehead, (prostration) which shows complete obedience to God.
Recite “God is the greatest” first while sitting and then while prostrating.
What is Jummah prayer
its a special communal prayer held every friday midday.
Who are expected to attend mosque for Jummah
men are expected to and women can if they want.
After the prayer, what will the imam give?
a sermon that reminds Muslims about their duties to God
What is the significance of prayer?
Important because -
- the actions of bowing and prostrating remind Muslims that God is greater than them.
- it unites Muslims around the world
- motivates Muslims to do God’s will.
- it helps Muslims become closer to God
What is Sawm -
fasting in months like Ramadan.
What is Ramadan -
most important month in the Islamic calendar, as it is when angel Jibril started to reveal the Qur’an to Muhammad.
How to Muslims focus on their faith during Ramadan?
They fast, not eating or drinking during daylight hours, studying the Quran, giving to charity and trying to please God.
What are the origins of fasting? Quote
The command to fast was revealed to Muhammad and can be found in the Qur’an.
“it was the in the month of Ramadan that the Qur’an was revealed as guidance for mankind… So any one of you who sees in that month should fast”
What does fasting involve?
Muslims get up every day before sunrise to eat and drink enough to last themselves until sunset. Food drink sex and smoking is forbidden during daylight hours. fast is broken at sunset. the evening meal is shared with families and friends.
Who are the exceptions from fasting?
children and people who are ill, pregnant or breast feeding are excused. people who cant fast, are expected to make up for it later if they can.
Why is fasting important?
self discipline that is required to fast shows obedience and dedication to God. Fasting inspires Muslims to help those in poverty who cant afford to eat or drink.
What is the night of power?
When angel jibril first appeared to Muhammad and started revealing the Quran
Quote that describes how Jibril instructed Muhammad to start reciting his words.
“Read in the name of your Lord who created: He created man from a clinging form. Read! Your Lord is the most bountiful one taught by the pen, who taught man what he did not.”
What do Muslims try to do on the the night of power?
They stay awake, praying and studying the Qur’an.
What does observing he Night of Power thought to give Muslims the benefit of…. Quote.
give Muslims the benefits of worshipping for a thousand months.
“What will explain to you what that Night of Glory is? The night of Glory is better than a thousand months”
What is Zakah?
is when Muslims give 2.5 % of their savings to charity every year.
What do Muslims believe that giving Zakah does?
purifies their soul, by removing selfishness and greed.
What do Shi’a Muslims give on top of Zakah -
Khums which is 20 percent of their savings, half of which goes to Shi’a religious leaders and the other half to charity.
What are the origins of Zakah and quote.
Giving to charity is mentioned a number of times in the Qur’an: for example “whatever you give should be for parents, close relatives, orphans, the needy and travelers. God is well aware of whatever good you do”.
Only muslims with savings greater than a certain amount called ( ) are required to give Zakah.
How much is given to charity?
2.5 % of their savings
Who is Zakah given to?
Charities such as Islamic relief or Muslim aid. collected by mosque as well, who can distribute money among those in need.
Why is Zakah important -
Muslims are fulfilling a duty to God.
it helps strengthen the Muslim community by supporting the poorest and weakest.
It encourages Muslims to have a good attitude towards money
What do Khums mean?
one fifth (20%)
How did Khums start and how about now?
The Muslim armies donated 1/5 of the spoils of war to their religious leader, now Shi’a Muslims give 20% to their religious leaders. Half goes to leaders and half to charity.
What is Hajj -
Hajj is an annual pilgrimage that starts and ends in the city of Makkah in Saudi Arabia.
Who is expected to complete Hajj?
Everyone and at least once in their lifetime.
What dies Hajj strengthen?
Muslim faith and shows commitment to God.
What are the origins or Hajj -
Around 4000 years ago, God told prophet Ibrahim to take his wife Hajira and son Ishmael to Arabia. God than told Ibrahim to leave Hajira and Ishmael on their own with some supplies of food and water. After they were suffering from hunger and dehydration. Hajira collapsed, as he ran to find supplies. Hajira prayed to God for help, and Ishmael than struck the ground and water started to rise. They survived by trading water for food. Source of water was known as Zamzam. When Ibrahim returned, God told him to build a shrine dedicated to him (Ka’aba.) Ibrahim was told to make it a pure place of worship and to call people to perform Hajj. Over the years, as the city of Makkah grew, gods instruction to Ibrahim were forgotten. People worshipped idols and stored inside Ka’aba.
What is the significance of Hajj -
brings a person closer to god
produces inner peace
leads to a persons sins being forgiven
fulfils a religious obligation.
shows dedication
quote for hajj showing it as a duty?
“Pilgrimage to the house is a duty owed to God by people who are able to undertake it”
How long does Hajj take?
5 days in which pilgrims travel from Makkah to Mina, Arafat, Muzdalifah and back to Makkah.
What do the actions performed on Hajj remember ?
events in the life of prophet Ibrahim and his family, as he sacrificed them, and also Hajira’s search for water .
Name the stages of Hajj and what is involved?
entering a state of Ihram - perform ritual washing, praying, putting on white cloth.
circling the ka’aba - Hajj stats in Makkak, and pilgrims walk in a circle 7 times around. they touch the black stone which was given by Adam.
walking between two hills - walk 7 times between the hills of safa and marwah. they collect water from the well of Zamzam.
standing at Arafat - where Muhamad preached his last sermon. they spend whole afternoon praying.
throw pebbles at Mina - Pilgrims walk to Muzdalifah where they spend the night. they collect pebbles. on the next day at mina they know the pebbles at three stones called the Jamarat. they do this to show they reject evil and temptation to sin.
Sacrifice an animal - sacrifice an animal, left overs given to poor. symbolizing Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his own son out of obedience to god.
What does Jihad refer to?
Jihad refers to the struggle against evil. It requires Muslims to strive to improve themselves and the societies they live in, in a way that would please God,
What is greater Jihad -
constant struggle that Muslims undertake to improve themselves spiritually and to deepen their relationship with God,
greater jihad involves -
quote that shows Greater jihad requires Muslims to follow God as best as they can.
- observing the five pillars of Islam
- studying the quran
- putting god above everything else
- avoid drugs and alcohol
- helping and caring
- avoiding greed
“this is my Path, leading straight, so follow it, and do not follow other ways”
What is lesser jihad -
Lesser Jihad is the outward struggle to defend Islam from threat. more important in early days when Muslims being persecuted and needed to fight for freedom.
fighting for a religious cause is called
holy war, refers to war that is approved by a religious leader, and not used to gain territory or wealth.
What is Id - ul - Fitr
Id - ul - fitr is a festival that celebrates the end of Ramadan. Started by Muhammad after he arrived in Madinah having fled from persecution in Makkah.
Id - ul - Fitr celebrated?
gather in areas to pray, the imam usually reminds muslims to forgive any disputes that happened during the year, help the poor.
muslims decorate homes, wear new clothes, eat special foods and exchange cards. visit cemetery’s to pray for family members who have died.
importance of Id - ul - Fitr
festival allows Muslims to celebrate the end of a month of fasting
give thanks to god for giving them strength over the fasting period.
thank god for wisdom and guidance in Quran.
What is Id-ul-Adha
Id - ul - Adha celebrates Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son to God.
How is Id-ul-Adha celebrated?
family, friends, prayers, slaughter animals, share meat
Importance of Id -ul - Adha
remembers and celebrates Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice son to God shows Muslims the importance of obedience, helps connect Muslims around the world.
What is the day of Ashura
its the day of remembrance, to remember the death of Husayn at the battle of Karbala. Day of great sorrow. He died alongside his army and supporters.
How do Shi’a Muslims observe Ashura -
but taking part in mourning rituals
Do Sunni Muslims observe ashura -
yes, called the day of Atonement.
How do Muslims commemorate Ashura -
perform plays to tell the story of Husayn’s death, helps them remember events at Karbala. Many Shi’a Muslims take part in public expressions of grief and mourning, by listening to speeches. Some hit their chests cut themselves and donate blood to connect with Hysayn’s suffering. they also visit his tomb in Iraq, and go on pilgrimage each year.
How do Sunni Muslims observe Ashura -
they fast, give to charity to show kindness to families and poor, recite prayers and learn from scholars.