Christianity beliefs Flashcards
What is the main religion in Great Britain?
What are the three main traditions in Christianity ?
Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox.
What type of religion is Christianity?
What does monotheistic mean?
They only believe in one God.
What quote shows that Christians believe that there is only one God.
“We believe in one God” Nicene Creed
God is the …. and …. of all things
God is the creator and sustainer of all things.
Two things Christians believe about God -
God is holy, and Jesus is Gods son, the true representation of God on earth.
People can have a relationship with God through…
What are three qualities of God?
Omnipotent, Benevolent and Just
What does is mean to be omnipotent?
All powerful, having unlimited authority.
How is God benevolent?
Uses the power to do good, shows his love by creating humans and caring for them.
How is god shown to be loving? (2)
Shows his love by creating humans and caring for them. He sent his son Jesus to earth.
What does it mean to be Just?
fair, never supporting injustice, ill treatment and prejudice.
What are some problems with evil and suffering?
If God is benevolent why does he allow suffering.
If love is omnipotent why does he not prevent evil and suffering.
If God is Just why does he allow injustice.
What are some Christian arguments based on evil and suffering?
Adam was given free will to make choices by God. If God constantly intervened against evil, humans would have less freedom. If there was no good and evil, people would not be able to show their qualities. Suffering allows people to learn rom mistakes.
Christians believe there are …. people in the One God.
What are the three persons of the Trinity?
God the father
God the son
God the holy spirit,
What is meant by God the father
This is the creator of all life, acts as a good father towards his children. He is all powerful, all loving and all knowing
What is meant by God the Son -
Became incarnate through Jesus who was both fully human while on earth and fully God at all times. Jesus is called the Son of God to show his special relationship to God the father.
What is meant by God the Holy Sprit -
is the unseen power of God at work in the world, who influences, guides and sustains life on earth.
…. existed in the creation of the universe
How many days did the God create the world in
6 days
Apart from god the father, who was also involved in the creation
Holy Spirit.
Christians believe what the “Word” was
Son of God.
What shows that Son of God was part of the creation
“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with god and the word was God. He was with god in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made”
Christians believe that Jesus was God in
Human form
What does it mean to be in human form
Quote that shows Jesus’ incarnation
“This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about: His mother was pledged to be married to Joseph but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit”
How many years had God showed himself as human
30 years
“The word became flesh and made his
dwelling among us:
Jesus was fully God and fully human which helps explain his miracles and
What do Christians believe Jesus is
the messiah, the anointed one)
Why did Jesus warn his disciples not to use the term ‘Messiah”
because his opponents would have him arrested for blasphemy (claiming to be God)
How was Jesus sentenced to death
What is crucifixion?
Fixed to a cross
Jesus ….. those who crucified him and promised one of the men crucified with him that he would Join god in …
Jesus promised those who crucified him and promised one of the men crucified with him that he would Join god in paradise
Where was God buried?
In a cave like tomb.
Why did Jesus also suffer pain?
Because he was half human
What were Jesus’ last words
“Father, into your hands i commit my spirit,”
What happened when Jesus’ was crucified?
A Roman centurion realized that Jesus was innocent and said he was Son of God
Why is Jesus’ crucifixion important?>
Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross gives hope to Christians that their sins will be forgiven if they sincerely repent.
Christians believe that God understands human suffering because Jesus who was God experienced it. Christians accept that suffering is part of live, just as it was part of Jesus’ life.
The gospels say that after Jesus died and was buried, he rose from the dead called
How did people know Jesus had resurrected.
the female followers visited the tomb. Jesus’ body was not there. Angels told the women to spread the news that Jesus had risen from the dead. over the next few days Jesus appeared to several people and told them that he had risen, as he predicted he would.
What quote shows that Christianity would not exist without resurrection and that resurrection was important because it is evidence for Christians of the divine nature of Jesus.
“And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead.. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.”
What is ascension? quote
its when after the final meeting with his disciples and asking them to carry on his work, Jesus left them for the last time returning to the father in heaven
“While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven”
What is the significance of resurrection?
Shows the power of Good over evil and life over death. Means Christian’s sins will be forgiven if they follow God’s laws, and means Christians will be resurrected if they accept Jesus.
Significance of the ascension?
shows Jesus is with god in heaven and influences Christians to do good so they can go heaven
What are four beliefs about resurrection?
Christians believe a persons soul is resurrected soon after death.
Some Christians believe resurrection happens at some time up the future, when Jesus will return to judge everyone.
Some believe that resurrection is both spiritual and physical.
Some believe that its just spiritual
A belief in resurrection (2)
means life after death is real,
gives confidence in the face of dwath.
Christians believe in …. (life after death)
What does after life depend on?
Faith in God
When does afterlife begin
death or at the day of judgement
What do people believe in afterlife?
they will be resurrected and receive eternal life after they die. This is a gift from God, and dependent of faith in God. They will be judged by God at some point after they die, and either rewarded by being sent to heaven or punished and sent to heaven.
What do Christians believe in judgement?
They believe that after you die, God will judge them on their behavior and actions during their lifetime, as well as their faith in Jesus
Before Jesus died, what did he tell his disciples?
He will prepare a place for them in heaven with God. Made it clear that having faith in him and following his teachings was essential for being able to enter heaven.
What happens after judgement
Christians believe that they will either experience external happiness in the presence of God *heaven or be unable to feel the happiness *hell.
Connotations with heaven
external happiness and peace in the presence of God
Connotations of hell
Place of eternal suffering or the state of being without God
Catholics believe some people might enter an intermediate state called … before they enter heaven where they are punished for sins.
purgatory where you are cleansed
What is sin
thought or action that separated humans from god
Original sin -
the in built tendency to do wrong and disobey God which Catholics believe all people are born with.
Where does the belief of original sin come from
Adam and Eve’s disobediance of God
What is salvation?
Salvation means to be saved from sin and its consequences. repairs damage caused by sin
How can you gain salvation>
Do good works, like having faith. “In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead”
or through grace where its not deserved or earned but a gift. “for it is by grace you have been saved”
What is the role of Jesus in salvation
Jesus’ crucifixion made up for the original sin of Adam and Eve.
The death of Jesus as an innocent man was necessary to restore the relationship between God and believers to bring them salvation. Jesus’ resurrection means humans can now receive forgiveness for their sins.
Atonement -
removes the effects of sin and allows people to restore their relationship with God,
Many Christians believe that through the sacrifice of his death Jesus took the …. of humanity on himself ad pain the debt for them all.
Jesus….. for the sins of humanity
People who follow Jesus’ teachings to recieve
eternal life with God