Islam: Beliefs and Teachings Flashcards
What are the Six Articles of Faith of the Sunni tradition?
1) tahwid
2) beliefs about angels of Allah
3) beliefs about the books of Allah
4) beliefs about the messengers of Allah
5) Akhirah and the Day of Judgement
6) Predestination
What are the five principles of the Shi’a tradition?
1) Al-Tawhid: belief in Oneness and Unity of Allah
2) Al-Adl: belief in Divine Justice
3) Al-Nubuwah: belief in Prophethood
4) Al-Immah: belief in Imams
5) Al-Ma’ad: belief in the Day of Resurrection
What is Tahwid?
The oneness of Allah
What is Akhirah?
Belief in life after death
Why are the Six Articles of Faith and the five principles important to Muslims?
1) they are able to understand all that Allah wants them to know about him
2) they are able to worship Allah by relying on his words sent through the prophets
3) they give Muslims a sense of their own place before Allah and an understanding of life after death
What is predestination?
The belief that all events have been willed by Allah
What do Shi’a Muslims believe?
1) there is an objective framework of right and wrong
2) Allah is perfect and always acts in a way that is right
3) humans are able to use their reasoning to work out what is the right way to act
4) humans should use their free will to act in the right way
5) at the Day of Judgement Allah will judge people according to this moral framework
6) Allah will send the righteous to heaven and the wicked to hell
7) there is no such thing as predestination - humans have free will, which is why Allah can judge them
What is Risalah (prophethood)?
The means of communication between Allah and humans
What is a prophet?
A messenger, chosen by Allah to teach, guide and train people to follow him
Who was the final prophet?
Who was the first prophet?
What was Adam made out of?
Clay, in Allah’s image
Who was Ibrahim?
The father of the Arab people and of the prophets
How did Allah test Ibrahim’s devotion?
By telling Ibrahim to sacrifice his first-born son, Isma’il
Who was Isma’il?
The son of Ibrahim as a blessing from Allah
Who built the Kaaba?
Ibrahim and Isma’il
What does Musa’s story demonstrate?
Allah’s care over Musa and his power to protect whom he chooses
What does the Zabur contain?
Lessons of guidance for the Israelites
Who was the Zabur revealed to?
What is the role of Isa believed to be at the end times?
To bring together true Muslims
Why is Muhammad known as the seal of the prophets?
He provided the final revelation of Allah to his people in the form of the Qur’an
What does AH mean?
In the year of the Hijrah
What did Muhammad remind Muslims about during his farewell speech?
1) live in peace
2) respect each other’s rights
3) remain true to the Qur’an
What are angels made from?
Nur (divine light)
Name some angels.
1) Jibra’il
2) Izra’il
3) Israfil
4) Mika’il
How are the angels different to humans?
1) they are not free beings
2) they exist to carry out the will of Allah
3) they do not have free will
4) they are free from sin
5) they are immortal
6) they do not have physical needs
What did Allah create the angels to do?
1) help Muslims
2) communicate with Allah’s human messengers on Earth
3) record all that humans do and say, ready for the Day of Judgement
Which group of Muslims taught that humans have no free will at all?
What do the Mutazilites teach about predestination?
Human free will means that there could be no predestination
Which Muslims today accept the Mutazilites’ teachings?
Shi’a Muslims
Who will be the first person to be judged?
What leads to a good judgement?
Dying as a Muslim
What is the impact of a bad judgement?
Being sent to hell (Jahannnan)
What is the period of time between death and the Day of Judgement called?
What is martyrdom?
Being killed in the defence of, or struggle for, your faith