Christianity: Relationships and Families Flashcards
What model does the Bible give for families?
A mother, father and children
State what courses the Church of England recommends that every diocese should run.
1) marriage preparation
2) parenting
What does Exodus 20:12 teach children about how they should treat their parents?
‘Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.’ (Exodus 20:12)
State the three blessings that marriage offers.
1) the creation (procreation) and the nurture of children
2) the correct place for sexual relations
3) help and comfort during all aspects of life
In what way is a Christian marriage meant to reflect Christ’s love?
Christ is forever committed to his people in the church, just like the married couple have promised to remain committed to one another until death
Why is there no minister to lead proceedings in a Quaker marriage service?
Only God can join the couple together
What does the Quaker approach to marriage stress about the union that is being created?
The union is being made between the couple and God
What are the main features of Church of England marriage services?
1) it does not matter if they are Christian
2) it does not matter if they are baptised
3) prepared to carry out mixed-faith marriages
4) reading of the ‘banns’
What are the main features of Church of England marriage services?
1) it does not matter if they are Christian
2) it does not matter if they are baptised
3) prepared to carry out mixed-faith marriages
4) reading of the ‘banns’
What do the Roman Catholic Church believe about civil partnerships?
Marriage is the proper place in which sexual relationships should occur, with the main role of sex being to create new life
Why do some Christians believe that civil partnerships should be accepted by the Church?
1) civil partnerships provide companionship, unity and stability in the same way that heterosexual marriage does
2) civil partnerships reflect the biblical value of equality and God’s desire to bless faithful, lifelong marriages regardless of the sex of the couple
When did same-sex marriages become legal in England and Wales?
March 2014
Why do many Christians disagree with pre-marital sex?
1) one of the main roles of sex is to create new life and that it is a God-given expression of love between two people
2) a sexual relationship should be unique and should happen only within marriage
Why do some Christians accept cohabitation?
For many people it is a step towards commitment to marriage
What denomination requires its ministers to remain celibate?
Roman Catholic Church
What is cohabitation?
When a couple lives together without being married
Why do many Christians remain celibate?
So that they can focus fully on serving God
Why do many Christians remain celibate?
So that they can focus fully on serving God
What is artificial contraception?
Prevention of conception by using contraceptive devices
What is natural contraception?
Reducing the likelihood of conception by using natural techniques such as the withdrawal method
What are example of artificial contraception?
1) condom
2) pill
What does the Catholic Church teach about contraception?
1) the use of artificial contraception is sinful because God gave sex to humans for reproduction
2) some natural forms of contraception is accepted as this allows a couple to regulate when they have children
What is abstinence?
Choosing not to have sex before getting married
Why does the Catholic Church not accept divorce?
1) marriage is permanent and indissoluble
2) divorce is simply breaking the legal agreement made in marriage, but not the holy agreement made with God
If a couple are experiencing difficulties, what does the Catholic Church suggest that they do?
1) separate
2) work on trying to restore their marriage
3) not enter into any other sexual relationships
What is Christian complementarianism?
The belief that men and women were created differently and to fulfil different, but complementary, roles
What is Christian egalitariasnism?
The belief that men and women were created as equals
What do Christian complementarians believe about the roles of men and women?
The role of a wife is to support her husband by managing the family home and raising their chidren
What do Christian egalitarians believe about the roles of men and women?
They have equal obligations in bring up their children, working together, and using their talents and abilities as teamwork
Which church leans more towards the complementarian perspective?
Roman Catholic Church
Why are only men allowed to be ordained in the Catholic Church?
1) Jesus chose men to be his disciples
2) priests represent Jesus (who was a man) when celebrating the mass
3) the authority of the Church has been passed on through men, a tradition that cannot be broken
Why do Christians support the ordination of women?
1) Jesus came to break down barriers between people, not reinforce them
2) Jesus was following the tradition of his time - if Jesus were alive today, he would include women among his chosen disciples
3) God created women in his image as well as men
What things may a Christian parent aim to do as they bring up their children?
1) discipline their children to help bring them up as obedient, well-behaved young people
2) bring up their children with a knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith
3) pray for their children and incorporate their faith into their daily routines
What are the rules in the Amish community?
1) Amish people must only marry other Amish
2) women are under the authority of the man
3) women take on the domestic role and the primary care of the children
4) at the age of 16 Amish children are allowed to live outside of the community for a few years
Why do some Christians choose to become missionaries?
They see it as their mission to share their faith with others
What does prejudice mean?
Making a judgement about a person or situation before knowing all the facts
What do egalitarians believe about the way men and women should be treated?
They should have equal opportunities to succeed and should treat each other fairly
Why do complementarian Christians believe that men and women should have different roles?
1) men and women have been created by God to be different and to have different roles in life
2) roles for men are leadership roles
3) roles for women are supporting roles