Islam - Beliefs Flashcards
Who is Adam?
Formed by God from handful of different coloured soil and Eve created from his rib. They lived together in paradise but disobeyed God so they were banished and sent to Earth to be guided in obedience by Allah. Adam confessed his sin and was forgiven and made the first prophet.
Why is Adam important in Islam?
- ‘Father of the human race’
- First prophet
- Created as khalifah (God’s representative)
- Built first Ka’ba in Makkah
Who is Ibrahim?
Born into polytheistic family but believed in only one God and became a Muslim. He had 2 sons, Ishaq and Ishma’il, both of which were prophets.
Why is Ibrahim important in Islam?
- Regarded as hanif (one who has inner knowledge that there is only one God).
- Greatest prophet before Isa
- Father of Ishma’il (ancestor of Muhammad)
Who is Musa?
Why is he important?
- Teachings of Ibrahim had been forgotten, so new prophet needed
- Led Israelites our of Egypt after 10 plagues into the Promised Land
- Revealed the Tawrat but people were disobedient and message was distorted
Who is Dawud?
Why is he important?
- Greatest king of Israel
- Made Jerusalem a holy place for Muslims
- Received Zabur
Who is Isa?
Why is he important?
- Apart from Muhammad, Isa and Maryam most prominent figures in the Qur’an
- Didn’t die on the cross but taken up to heaven as God couldn’t allow evil men to triumph over his prophet in such a way
- Received the Injil
- Performed many miracles
- Regarded as prophet and successor to Musa
- Will return in 2nd coming when God judges the world
Why is Muhammad important in Islam?
- Role model
- Moral life
- Last prophet
- 610CE - Laylat-ul-Qadr (first revelation of Qur’an)
- 630CE - led Muslim army to recapture Makkah and won, destroyed 360 idols in the Ka’ba dedicating it to Allah
The basic Muslim belief in the oneness of God.
Messengers of God, beginning with Adam and ending with the Prophet Muhammad.
Actions or things that are permitted within Islam, such as eating permitted foods.
Any actions or things which are forbidden within Islam, such as eating forbidden foods.
Means ‘to strive’. There are two forms of jihad. The greater jihad is the daily struggle and inner spiritual striving to live as a Muslim. The lesser jihad is a physical struggle or ‘holy war’ in defence of Islam.
Or ‘masjid’ is a ‘place of prostration’ for Muslims, it is a communal place of worship for a Muslim community.
Meaning ‘straight path’ is a way of life; Muslims believe God has set out a clear path for how Muslims should live. Shariah law is the set of moral and religious rules that put the principles set out by the Qur’an and the Hadith into practice.
Means ‘community’ and refers to the worldwide community of Muslims who share a common religious identity.