Beliefs Flashcards
Define the term Omnibenevolent for Christians.
Define the term Omnipotent for Christians.
What do Christians mean by the Trinity?
The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
What do Christians mean by Incarnation?
God was born on earth in human form as Jesus.
What does atonement mean?
Forgiveness and reconciliation (specifically, healing the rift between God and mankind).
What does resurrection mean?
Coming back to life after death. This is believed to be the biggest miracle that Jesus performed.
What is meant by a sacrament?
Something that brings you closer to God.
What is meant by Evangelism?
Spreading your beliefs and faith through preaching to others.
Why do Christians believe God is Omnibenevolent?
- “But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.”
- “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believe in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
- “neither life nor death … will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Why do Christians believe God is Omnipotent?
- “In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth.” (Genesis)
- “Moses stretched out his hand … and the Lord drove the sea back with a strongest wind and turned it into dry land. The waters were divided” (Exodus) - God freed the slaves of Egypt.
Why is there evil and suffering?
Christians argue that suffering has a purpose:
- God has given people free will so they choose evil
- the devil is responsible for suffering
- God shares our suffering
- it’s a test of faith
- it’s a result of sin (Catholics believe evil was brought into the world after ‘the Fall’ and that therefore every human is born with ‘original sin’)
- it allows you to become a better person
Why do Christians believe in the Trinity?
God is one but made up of 3 persons:
-God the Father (Omnipotent, creator, provider, personal relationship)
-God the Son
(God in human form - Incarnation)
-the Holy Spirit (or Paraclete)
(God everywhere to guide Christians to live the best possible life and strengthen their faith)
What does the Apostle’s Creed convey (summarise)?
- God is an Omnipotent creator
- Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit
- Jesus suffered and was crucified
- Jesus was buried and rose from the dead
- Jesus returned to heaven
- There will be a Day of Judgement
- There is one holy and universal church
- God will forgive our sins
- There will be a resurrection of the body
Briefly describe the story of Job and *why it’s significant to Christians?
Job is a righteous, upstanding person. Satan says that he only acts good as he has been blessed, so God allows him to punish him to see if he’s right. Job’s animals, servants and 10 children die but he still prays to God. Then he gets terrible sores but still remains faithful. His friends accuse him of sin as an explanation. Eventually Job asks God why he has suffered and is reminded of God’s power and strength. Job is then blessed and rewarded with more than he had before.
*This story shows Christians that God’s power is transcendent and they must respect it and stay loyal to him, even if it means suffering - that is what makes a good Christian.
Summarise Genesis 1&2.
- Night and day
- Heavens
- Land and plants
- Sun, moon and stars
- Birds and fish
- Mammals and living creatures including man
- God rested “and God saw it was good.”
Evidence to support Incarnation.
“The angel went to her and said, Greetings, you who is highly favoured! The Lord is with you.”
Why is Jesus seen as divine?
- miracle of Virgin Mary
- voice of God heard at his baptism
- performed miracles
- Resurrection
Describe Christian beliefs about Jesus’ crucifixion?
- Jesus charged with blasphemy (lack of respect for religion or holy things
- Jesus executed by Romans
- soldiers mocked him and put a crown of thorns on his head
- crucified in Golgotha
- two criminals crucified with him
- Jesus mocked by people in crowd
- dies on cross
- Jesus’ suffering means that God understands human suffering
Describe Christian beliefs about Jesus’ Resurrection?
- Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday, conquering death
- the greatest miracle in the New Testament
- provides evidence that Jesus was God
- Jesus appeared to 60-80 other people after his death according to accounts
Describe Christian beliefs about the Ascension?
- after period of time, Jesus rose to his father in heaven
- some think Jesus physically ascended to heaven
- others believe it’s a symbolic story showing that Jesus’ time on earth was over
Describe Christian beliefs about salvation and atonement?
- the Fall’ ruined relationship and introduced sin to world
- believe God sent Jesus to repair broken relationship and Jesus paid the price for human sin (atoned). This offered humans salvation so that they can live in eternity with God in heaven after death.
What is the Bible?
= sacred text for Christians or “scripture”
- made up of 66 books written by a number of authors over long period of time
- made up of Old and New Testament
- reveals information about God
- believed to be record of divine Law (rules and law of God but which Christians choose to live)
- interpreted literally and liberally
What does the Bible say about the afterlife (eschatological beliefs)?
“If the dead are not raised, them Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins. Then those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished.”
“I am the resurrection, the truth and the life, he who believes in me shall have eternal life.”
“I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come.”
“…If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body…”
Describe Christian beliefs about Judgement?
- there will be a judgement day when people will be judged by God for the quality of their lives
- Jesus will return in a “second coming”
- this will mark end of human existence on Earth (“Parousia”)
- Bible describes how Jesus will separate those who will go to heaven and hell, just as a shepherd separates sheep from goats (Parable of the sheep and the goats)
- Parable of Lazarus shows that kindness is rewarded in heaven even if not in life
- humans will be bodily resurrected and transformed into a glorified state
- illness, pain and death will no longer exist and world will be purified of sin
Describe Christian beliefs about Heaven and Hell?
- traditionally thought of as real places (sky, underground)
- modern understandings more likely to see heaven as where God is, hell is where God is not
- contemporary beliefs raise questions like why do people go to hell if God is Omnibenevolent and forgiving?
- connected to idea of reward and punishment at end of earthly life
- important basis for belief in afterlife
Describe Christian beliefs about purgatory?
Catholics believe in purgatory as well as heaven and hell.
It is a place of waiting, where those who are stained by their sins undergo cleansing and purification before securing entry to heaven. On Judgment Day, all in purgatory will go to heaven.
Catholics believe it’s important to pray for the souls of the dead and those in purgatory.