Islam Flashcards
Isa (2)
- The 24th and penultimate prophet of Islam
- Muslims believe that he performed miracles: healed the sick, restored sight to the blind, cured leprosy, etc.
Prophet (2)
- A messenger of Allah
- Muslim believe that Adam was the first prophet and the father of humanity
Muhammad (2)
- The final prophet of Islam
- Muslims believe that he received the Qur’an, the final revelation of Allah, through the angel Jibril
Ummah (2)
- Arabic word meaning community
- Muslims believe the Ummah have responsibilities such as to support the oppressed members of society.
Mosque (2)
- A communal place to worship for the Muslim community
- Mosques often act as centres for collection and distribution of Zakat and other forms of aid
What is Mecca (2)
- Islam’s holiest city located in Saudi Arabia
- Mecca is the destination of the Hajj, one of the five pillars of Islam
Burkha (2)
- A long, loose-fitting garment which covers the whole body from head to feet
- It allows women to show modesty - a core value in Islam
Hijab (2)
- Often used to describe the headscarf, veil or modest dress worn by Muslim women
- Muslims believe that it promotes modesty, reduces vanity and guards against inappropriate attention
Al - Qadr (2)
- The Muslim term for predestination
- Muslims believe that nothing happens except by Allahs permission and according to his plan
Akirah (2)
- The Muslim term for the belief in the Final Judgement and life after death
- Muslims believe that the righteous will go to heaven (Jannah) and the sinful will go to hell (Jahannam)
Lesser Jihad (2)
-A physical struggle of holy war in defence of Islam
- It is not about seeking conquest but protecting the faith from external threats
Eid-ul-fitr (2)
- the celebration of breaking the fast the day after Ramadan ends
- Eid-ul-fitr opportunity for Muslims to show their thanks to Allah for giving them the strength to complete the fast
Who was the first man created? (islam)
Describe Islamic beliefs about the prophet Adem? (5)
- he was the 1st man created
- He ‘fell from grace’ (sinned against Allah) by giving in to the temptations of Shaytan (Satan)
- He was expelled from the Garden of Eden by Allah via a whirlwind
- He then came to his sense on Mt Arafat and confessed his sin
- This lead to forgiveness by Allah and he was made the first prophet
Describe Islamic beliefs about the prophet Ibrahim? (5)
- regarded as the greatest prophet before Isa
- born to a polytheistic family (showing how the message of Allah had been distorted - shirk) which he rejected
- He was not a Jew or Christian, but a Muslim because he ‘bowed his will to Allah’s which is Islam’
- Both his sons were also prophets - Ismail and Ishaq
- Ismail was the eldest son, born to Hagar, Ishaq the youngest - born to Sarah
Describe Islamic beliefs about the prophet Isa? (5)
- According to the Qur’an Isa was born from a virgin called Maryam
- Maryam had never had sex and was the most ‘virtuous of women’
- Isa was given the holy book of the Ingil
- He was said to have performed miracles including healing lepers, making the dumb speak, and the lame walk
- The Qur’an says that the Jewish authorities wanted to kill Isa, and it seemed so, but they did not
Describe Islamic beliefs about the prophet Muhammad? (5)
- The Qur’an says that Muhammad was, like all prophets, a man (not an angel or the son of Allah)
- Muhammad performed no miracles, he died an ordinary death and he was buried. He was an ordinary man, but brought the greatest miracle of all, the Qur’an
- Islam teaches that this revelation is Allah’s final word to humanity, given in a way that cannot be distorted by humanity (like the previous revelations)
- Because the Qur’an cannot be distorted, there can be no more prophets
- Surah - “He is the apostle of Allah and the seal of the prophets”
Muslim beliefs about Al-Qadr (7)
- it means that nothing takes place purely by chance
- God knows and wills all future events
- Allah has a divine plan
- nothing happens without God knowing and everything that happens is the will of God
- Allah is outside space and time
- Free will still exists in a way
- God is transcendent
Why do Muslims believe in free will?
Life is a test from Allah, therefore Muslims must make their own decisions
What does the Qur’an say about free will and pre-destination? (2)
- “In all things the master-planning is God’s”
- ” The Lord has created and balanced all living things and fixed their destinies and guided them”
What is an Islamic Scholars statement on free will and predestination?
V - Watton - “God has a plan for the universe… and he knows what will happen…if we cannot understand how… this is because we are far from being like God”
Quotes in the Qur’an about prophethood (2)
- “We sent to every nation a Messenger (saying): ‘Worship Allah and avoid false gods’
- ‘We make no distinction between any of them [prophets]”