Human Rights Flashcards
censorship (2)
- The practice of suppressing and limiting access to materials
- sometimes takes place to protect society from obscene or offensive media.
discrimination (2)
- Acts of treating individuals or groups of people differently based on prejudice.
- The main forms of discrimination are direct, indirect, harassment and victimisation.
extremism (2)
- Holding extreme political or religious views.
- Extremists often hold different views to the mainstream attitudes of society.
human rights (2)
- The basic entitlements of all human beings, afforded to them simply because they are human.
- These rights embody fairness, equality and respect for all.
personal conviction (2)
- Something a person strongly feels or believes in.
- Having freedom of speech allows people to share their personal convictions with others.
prejudice (2)
- To pre-judge someone based on a personal characteristic or element of their identity.
- The Equality Act of 2010 protects people from prejudice and discrimination at work and school.
relative poverty (2)
- A standard of poverty measured in relation to the standards of a society in which a person lives.
- E.g. living on less than x% of average UK income.
absolute poverty (2)
- An acute state of deprivation.
- E.g. a person cannot access the most basic of their human needs.
social justice (2)
- Promoting a fair society by challenging injustice and valuing diversity.
- Ensuring that everyone has equal access to provisions, equal opportunities and rights.
What are Christian teachings on the dignity of human life? (4)
- all humans are the creation of God.
- all humans are made in the image of God and so have infinite value.
- Jesus taught all life should be valued (parable of the Good Samaritan).
- love others unconditionally (agape).
What is The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights ?
A document that consists of articles listing the freedoms to which all human beings are entitled.
What is an example of an action group that continually monitors human rights?
Amnesty International
What does Amnesty International do?
They are an organisation that continually monitor human rights and fight for rights for those who do not have them.
What is agape
Selfless, sacrificial and unconditional love
What Christian charities put agape into action? And how?
-Tearfund and Christian Aid.
-They both work in many countries to help when natural disasters occur or on long-term projects.
Christian beliefs about Agape in action? (3)
- everyone should be treated with agape
- follows the example and teachings of Jesus (parable of the Good Samaritan + died on the cross for humanity)
- Liberation Theology puts into practice the Christian idea that God has the power to change situations in the world that are unjust.
What Christians have shown Agape in their work for others? (2)
- Martin Luther King
- Oscar Romero
Christian quotes about Agape in action? (2)
- “love thy neighbour as thyself”
- “love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you”
What are Christian quotes on the dignity of human life? (2)
- “God created mankind in his own image”
-“love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”
Christian teachings about equality (4)
- The New Testament stresses equality before God.
- God created al of humanity (all equal).
- God made us all in his own image (we are all of infinite value).
- Jesus’ teaching (parable of the Good Samaritan)
Christian quotes about equality (2)
- “You are all one in Jesus Christ” - The New Testament
- “God made makind in his own image”
What is an example of conflict between personal conviction and the laws of a country? (6)
- Oscar Romero
- was a priest in El Salvador
- he spoke out against injustices and corruption to protect the poor.
- He believed it was important to follow the teachings of Jesus and that all humans have a dignity of life.
- He held meetings that were censored by the government.
- He was killed in his chapel when celebrating mass.
What does the UN Declaration of Human Rights say about expression?
“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression”
Why do some religious believers agree with censorship? (5)
- Religious values would be reinforced.
- It avoids children being exposed to adult content, including issues of sex, war, drugs and violence.
- Promotes peace and prevents conflict.
- It provides security for the country e.g. ‘confidential’ information cannot be used for terrorism.
- Government intervention can control rumours and over - exaggeration.
Why do some religious believers disagree with censorship? (4)
- It violates the rights of citizens as it puts a stop to freedom of expression.
- It can promote negative agendas and manipulate the public.
- It only promotes ways of living life that are ‘morally correct’ - offending some people by labelling their lifestyle as ‘immoral’
- Big companies have a powerful place in governments and can control censorship.
How do religious people express their faith? (3)
- what is worn
- actions
- symbols
How do Christians express their faith through what is worn? (4)
- Cross (belief that Jesus died and was resurrected for humanity)
- Crucifix (belief that Jesus Jesus sacrificed himself so that the sins of mankind can be forgiven by God)
- Priests wear vestments (makes them feel humble and closer to God)
- Salvation Army uniform (they are soldiers of God that stand for justice)
How do Christians express their faith through Actions? (2)
- Evangelism (act of spreading faith to others)
- Interfaith dialogue (different faith groups coming together to talk about there views)
What is a quote about evangelism in Christianity?
“Make disciples (followers) of all nations” - Jesus
How do Christians express their faith through symbols? (3)
- cross (belief that Jesus died and was resurrected for humanity).
- crucifix (belief that Jesus Jesus sacrificed himself so that the sins of mankind can be forgiven by God).
- Ichthys (fish sign that represents belief in Jesus Christ; Gods son and Saviour of Humanity.
Why might religious extremism occur? (4)
- believers interpret religious scripture literally
- believers think their actions will reward them in the afterlife
- believers are influenced by family
- believers think they are doing the work of God
Would moderate religious believers believe that religion promotes violence?
Why do moderate religious believers refute the suggestion that religion promotes violence? (4)
- some religious terrorists have misunderstood religious teachings.
- some terrorists use religion to make their activities appear morally right.
- some terrorists use religion to cover up political motives.
- Terrorism is motivated by religious organisations, not religious teachings.
What are examples of Muslim Human Rights activists? (2)
- Malala Yousefzai
- Malcom X
What did Malala Yousefzai do? (4)
- campaigned for girls education.
- by giving speeches and writing blogs
- she was driven by her personal experiences of being denied schooling under the Taliban rule.
- she survived a targeted attack.
What did Malcolm X do?
- Campaigned for black power and black racial pride.
What did Martin Luther King do?
Campaigned using non - violent methods for racial equality.
Muslim beliefs about Ummah in action? (4)
- The Ummah is the bond between Muslims, referring to the unity of them all over the world.
- When Malcolm X made his journey to Mecca he felt a true sense of brotherhood.
- The Ummah promotes the welfare of the whole Muslim community in supporting human rights and trying to create a just society
- They support each other through the giving of zakat.
How do Muslims express faith through what is worn?
They wear a Hijab. It is a way of keeping purity and helping Muslims women feel a part of their religion and remember their identity.
How do Muslims express faith through actions? (2)
- They give Sadaqah, hat encompasses any act of charitable giving
- This is in addition to the compulsory 3rd pillar of Islam, Zakat.
How do Muslims express their faith through symbols?
The star and crescent moon symbol is a reminder that Islam guides and lights the way through life.
Christian beliefs about prejudice and discrimination (3)
- It is wrong
- christian teachings on equality
- “love thy neighbour”
Christian beliefs about equality (5)
- God created everyone equally
- All life is scared
- “There is neither Jew nor Gnetile, slave or free man, male or female. We are all equal in Christ” (Galatations)
- Parable of the Good Samaritan
- Jesus’ ministry extended to people who were marginalised and discriminated against e.g. he healed lepers.
Muslim attitudes towards prejudice and discrimination (2)
- Allah created everyone as equal but different
- This was Allah’s design so discrimination is unjustified
Muslim beliefs about equality (6)
- The Qur’an states that no sex or race is superior to another.
- The Five Pillars apply to all.
- everyone is equal “like the tooth of a comb” (Qur’an)
- Prophet Muhammad stated “an Arab is not better than non-Arab, and a non-Arab is not better than an Arab”
- Muslims wear white on the Hajj to show everyone is equal before God
- the Muslim declaration of Human Rights states that everyone is equal.
Christian beliefs about poverty and wealth (5)
- wealth should be used to help the less fortunate
-“it is much harder for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God” - Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus
- “do not store up riches for yourself on Earth, where moths and rust destroy” “store up riches for yourself in heaven”
- Story of the widows offering by Jesus shows that it is not about the amount of wealth donated but the value.
Muslim beliefs about poverty and wealth (5)
- everything belongs to Allah, so money must be used responsibly
- Zakat - third pillar of Islam
- “He is not a believer who eats his fill while his neighbour remains hungry by his side” (Hadith)
- Fasting during Ramadan teaches compassion for the poor.
- Justice - they believe that Allah does not intend for poverty so they are responsible for just distribution of wealth.
Christian charity that Christians give money to
Muslim charity that Muslims give money to
Islamic Relief
What does Oxfam say they do?
“global movement of millions of people who share the belief that, in a world rich in resources, poverty isn’t inevitable”
What does Islamic Relief say they do?
“faith-inspired humanitarian aid working to save and transform the lives of some of the world’s most vulnerable people”
What are Oxfam’s aims? (4)
- Provide clean water for all
- Fight for equality for all
- Fight climate change
- Provide aid when natural disasters strike
What does Islamic Relief work to do? (3)
- provide food parcels to the poor during Ramadan
- ensure poor people received Qurbani meat at Eid-ul-Adha
- Provide food, water and health supplies in places such as Yemen.
Muslim beliefs about the sanctity of life (2)
- “nor take life, that Allah has made sacred, except for a just cause”
- Allah has created a soul for everyone and made a plan for everyones life before they are ‘planted as a seed in their mothers womb’