Islam Flashcards
had many caravan trade routes typically operated by bedouins (nomadic Arabs) who were polytheistic animists
non Arab people who were polytheistic animists.
Mecca, importance, early reaction to Islam
Mecca used to be a holy site for many polytheists with the ka’ab in the center. muhammad the prophet was born in mecca. Muhammad’s monotheism threatened Mecca’s wealth (trade) and religious tourist industry
The city rejected Muhammad so he fled to medina.
before islam the Kaa’ba was a place of worship for had idols of polytheistic gods. after Muhammad took over mecca it because the they built and Islamic mosque surrounding the Kaaba and it became the holiest worship place of the Islamic religion.
Hijra (why, where)
the pilgrimage to mecca. all Islamic people are supposed to take if possible once in their life. one of the 5 pillars of Islam.
Islam; Muslim (definitions)
“submitter (to God)” or “one who surrenders (to God)”.
Reasons for emergence
it gave a lot of charity to poor people, while other religions at that time just benefited the rich. so when Islam emerged many people converted because It benefited them.
Muhammad’s first converts
his family and wife were the first people that beloved muhammad as a prophet and converted to Islam.
Mosque (great Mosque)
a Muslim place of worship. the great mosque is located in mecca.
Quran, hadith, shariah
the Quran is the holy text of Islam. the Hadith is a collection of traditions containing sayings of the prophet Muhammad. shariah is the Islamic law.
“Seal of the Prophets”
muhammad, meaning the last prophet.
Five Pillars
the 5 major principles also Muslims must follow during there lives.
Dome of the Rock, importance of Jerusalem
located in jerusalem, is said to be believed to be the location where Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his son Ismail. this location is a holy place for christianity, judaism, and islam so it is important all group are on good terms.
Similarities between Islam, Judaism and Christianity (“People of the Book”)
monotheism, the belief in one god. notions of sacrifice, good works, hospitality, peace, justice, pilgrimage, an afterlife and loving God with all one’s heart and soul.
Sunni Islam
led by the “Four Rightly Guided Caliphs” who acted as the spiritual, political, and military leader of Islam
Shia Islam
believed that a relative of Muhammad should be the leader
Caliph, Caliphate
the chief Muslim civil and religious ruler, regarded as the successor of Muhammad. and a caliphate is a empire ruled by a caliphate.
Dar al-Islam
the house of peace. and refers to the dominion of Islam, namely, any structure (be it a home, community, or state) that allows the free practice of Islam.
Treatment of conquered people
they let them keep their own cultures and practices, like there religions or other cultural practices. so the conquered people were treated very well.
sunnis, shias did not accept them for all of there reign. expanded territories. moved the capital to Damascus.
shia muslim. focused on expanding knowledge and trading rather than expansion.
Baghdad, House of Wisdom
State sponsored learning, schools, art, architecture, literature
women’s rights,
in the auran it speaks for equality for men and women. but they were still living in a patriarchal society so women did have much less rights and freedoms than men.
Impact of Persia, Mesopotamia, India and Byzantium on Islam
they allowed the muslims to trade which culturally diffused many practices and building habits from different empires. for example the domes in architecture from the byzantines.
a centre for the arts, medicine, science, music, literature and philosophy.
Islamic trade networks, importance
this caused cultural diffusion thoughout the southern world. many ideas and practices were spread from multiple countries creating and overall more advanced society’s.
- Faith (Shahada)
all Muslims make a statement of faith - acceptance of Allah as the one true god, Muhammad as his prophet and submission to him
- Prayer (salat)
5 times a day facing Mecca; dawn, noon, late afternoon, sunset, before bed
- Alms (charity) (zakat)
2.5% (1/40) of your income should be given to charity, small good deeds are also considered charity
- Fasting (sawm)
Ramadan –the 9th month of the Islamic lunar calendar, daily fasting from dawn to dusk for 29/30 days; goal to produce self-restraint and purity and is a reminder of those less fortunate; the festival of Eid ends Ramadan (Iftar ends the fast daily)
- Hajj
pilgrimage to Mecca once in your life (if physically/economically capable), and perform the rituals associated with it (the hijra, going to the ka’ba)