Islam Flashcards
What does Islam mean?
“Submission to God”
- Creed: Shahadah (There is no god but God, and Muhammad, peace be upon, is the messenger of God)
- Last prophet, Muhammed
- In his time, Arabia was in polytheism and idolatry (placed in Ka’bah, originally made by Abraham to honour God)
- Old Arabia= ruling tribes, merchants, salesmen (rivalry, bloodshed, invading clans, breaking alliance, women= social ladder
- Muhammad was a hardworking merchant, distaste for idolatry
- While Muhammad was in a cave, Allah (God) sent revelations through archangel Gabriel
- Revelations proclaim HIs oneness and need for all beings to submit to their faith, worship and live righteously
- Travels to Makkah, and preach
What are the Five Pillars of Islam?
Shahadah, salat, zakah, sawm, hajj
Explain shahadah
Profession of faith
Explain salat
Aspect of observing prayer every day, prayer 5 times daily
Explain zakah
The charity within each Muslim
Explain sawm
Conceptualization of fasting during Ramadan
Explain hajj
Holy pilgrimage to Makah
Holy place of worship?
- Holiest place of worship for Muslims (aside from Kaabah)
- Exemplary of good deeds, perform prayers and observe/reflect faith
- Imam lectures before and after prayers
- Wudu is done before prayer, required to clean themselves before each of the five prayers
- Fridays
- Take off shoes
- No seats
- Men and women separate
What is an Imam?
Spiritual teacher, lectures before and after prayers
What is wudu?
Cleansing before a prayer
When do Muslims pray?
At dawn, noon, mid afternoon, sunset, evening
Holy book?
- Revered, word of God passed from Angel Gabriel to prophet Muhammad
- One of the only books not changed upon its revelation due to strict oral reverence
- Idyllic faith and practice for Muslims, 114+ surahs (chapters)
- Orally
What is the Kaabah?
Holiest place of worship
- Building located in Makah, Saudi Arabia
- Adam’s original place of worship, built by Abraham
- Largest sight of pilgrimage, pillar of Islam
- Formally known as Hajj
- All Muslims must complete pilgrimage once in their lifetime
Jihad meaning?
Effort to strive, survive and struggle