Islam Flashcards
What are the 5 pillars of Islam?
Shahada Salat Zakat Swam Hajj
What is Shahada?
It is the declaration of belief in the oneness of Allah and the acceptance of Muhammad his messenger.
What is Salat?
Muslims must preform 5 ritual prayers a day facing the holy city of Makkah.
What is Zakat?
Muslims are expected to give a portion of their money to charity.
What is Sawm?
During the Islamic month of Ramadan muslims are expected to abstain from food and drink between dawn and nightfall.
What his Hajj
Hajj is the annual pilgrimage to Makkah in Saudi Arabia. All Muslims who are able to travel are expected to go once in their lifetime.
How as the world created according to Islam?
- Allah created the universe with unlimited power
- Allah then made all living creatures, angels, rain and vegetation
- He then sent seven angels to collect 7 different coloured soils to make man
- Eve was made out of Adam’s side
- Adam and Eve disobeyed Allah and where banished from paradise but forgiven.
What is the timeline for Muhammad called?
When was Muhammad born?
570 AD
What was Muhammad’s childhood like?
He was orphaned and raised by his grandfather and uncle. He married a trader. In his town people worshiped many gods.
What was Muhammad concerned about?
That people weren’t living properly, so he retreated to a cave on mount Hira to think.
What happened in the cave on Mount Hira?
The angel jibril appeared and told Muhammad to recite the Qur’an. He was Allahs messenger.
What happened when Muhammad left the cave?
He started preaching. This made the leaders of Makkah angry.
What happened after Muhammad started preaching?
There was a war between Allah and the leaders. Allah won and smashed all the status of gods in the kàba teaching. He told everyone to be Muslim.
When did Muhammad die?
He led his community until his death in 632
What book goes over Muhammad’s life and teachings?
The Hadith