Islam 1 Notes Flashcards
Sunni Six Beliefs
1) Tawhid: Belief in Allah as the one and only God.
2) Risalah & Nubuwwah (the communication between Allah and humans): – Prophethood/Belief in
the Prophets (see later notes) Belief in certain prophets who God chose to relay His message to
humans is a required article of Sunni Islamic faith.
3) Malaikah: Belief in angels (see later notes)
4) Belief in the holy books: Kutub (see later notes)
5) Akhirah: Belief in Life after Death (And Judgement Day) (see later notes)
6) Al-Qadr: Belief in Predestination (see later notes)
importance of six Beliefs - what do they do to muslims?
They are found in the Kitab al-iman (book of faith) “That you affirm your faith in Allah, His
angels, His books, His meeting, His messengers and that you affirm faith in the
resurrection hereafter.” (Kitab al-iman 1:4)
Unites Sunni Muslims and make them feel part of the Ummah as they all believe the same.
It helps them understand their faith better – they know to follow the rules so that when they are
judged, they will be rewarded with Paradise.
Salvation in Islam comes from believing the Six Beliefs and living in the way set out by Islam.
six beliefs in muslim communities
All Muslims are created equal in the sight of Allah, therefore Muslims should respect all people
regardless of race or place of birth and should not judge people on factors such as gender, race or disability.
Due to this belief in equality, there are no priests or holy men with special authority in Sunni Islam. – The only intermediaries between Allah and people are angels. – The only people given special authority and belief in Risalah means that there can be no
prophets after Muhammad.
People are born free from sin and bear no responsibility for the sins of others. Once you reach
puberty and knowingly commit sins, then you are held responsible.
five roots of shia islam
importance of five roots
They are the basis of Shi’a Islam – the roots from which the faith grows.
They unite the Shi’a Ummah.
They help Shi’ites understand their faith e.g. resurrection/judgement.
They show what a Shi’a Muslim must believe and guide them on how to act to ensure they go to
heaven (Jannah).
The come from the teachings of the Qur’an and the Twelve Imams. - quran is gods eternal word
Unless they understand and believe ‘Usul ad Din they will not be able to perform the acts of worship - one of five pillars -
necessary to live the Muslim life.
sunnis and the five roots
sects of shia islam
twelvers (most) - 12 imams after muhammad, 12th went in to hiding and contacts shia leaders
seveners/ismaili - ismail is final imam
ahmadiyya - accept sunni six beliefs - founder Mirza Ahmad received a special message
tawhid - where is it shown?
division of the unity of Allah and the opposite of tawhid. It is the sin of polytheism
(believing in and worshipping more than one God) and is an unforgiveable sin.
importance of tawhid
There is only one God who created everything.
2 If the universe was made by one God, then the Muslim community (ummah) should be united.
There can only be one law for Muslims – Shari’ah law.
1 muslims must only worship allah - This is why there can be no statues or images in the mosque (Islam rejects the attribution of
any human form to God).
importance of 99 names
help Muslims to know something of Allah’s unknowable nature;
enable Muslims to talk about their shared beliefs about Allah in a meaningful way;
allow Muslims to develop a meaningful relationship with Allah;
are accepted by all Muslims so brings the Ummah together;
are in the Qur’an so Allah wants humans to know these characteristics.
Muslims may use subhan (a set of 99 prayer beads) when they pray to help them remember
and recite the 99 names.
If they can recite all 99, this shows their devotion to Allah: “There are 99 names of Allah, he
who commits them to memory will get to paradise.” (Hadith 35:6475)
omnipotence importance
Allah is in control of everything that happens;
Allah has a plan for the world and the power to ensure it happens;
Allah has the power to bring the world to an end on Judgement Day.
omnibenevolence importance
How can Muslims ask for Allah’s mercy on Judgement Day if they are not prepared to forgive?
If Allah is compassionate and merciful to sinners, Muslims should also be merciful and forgiving.
every chapter of the quran begins with the bismillah (in the name of allah the most compassionate and merciful)
- shows this should be the first thought muslims have when they do anything
transcendence importance
It shows Allah is worthy of worship as He is greater than anything;
It shows He is in control;
It shows He is not restricted in anyway – by time, space or matter.
immanence importance
It means Allah is within the universe He has created, so science and learning can comprehend
something of Allah;
Despite his greatness, Allah can be contacted by humans;
It means Allah is present in all religious activities, e.g. Salat and Sawm.
“we are closer to them than their jugular vein”
what is transcendence
He is above and beyond His creation.
Allah is above the seventh heaven, distinct and independent from His creation.
what is immanence
he is close to every human, ‘Allah is closer to you than
your Jugular vein.’ (50:16) and acts in this world. This means he is personal to Muslims. Muslims will
look to God for guidance and his mercy in their daily lives. It shows Muslims that Allah knows
everything and nothing is hidden from Him: ‘Whithersoever ye turn, there is the presence of
God.’ 2:115
allah’s justice - shows muslims must behave justly to other people and follow shariah to ensure world is governed fairly
some of the 99 names / characteristics of allah
First human, first prophet, disobeyed God and asked God for forgiveness. Was sent to earth as a Khalifah (steward of the world)
‘He received forgiveness from his Lord.’
He shows that Allah is forgiving if we ask for forgiveness with a true heart. He taught Muslims how to repent and ask for forgiveness.
rejected polytheism. God asked Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Isma’il – he was about to do it when God stopped him.
Ibrahim was true in faith and he bowed his will to Allah.’
e teaches us the importance of obedience and trusting Allah; demonstrates that Allah’s plans will overcome any triumph, test, or trial.