ISL 07 Flashcards
The commander of Muslim army in the Battle of Qadisiya was (a) Amir bin Al-Aas (b)Saad bin Abi Waqas (c) Muaviya (d) Khalid bin Waleed
(b)Saad bin Abi Waqas
Name the personality whose embracing of Islam invigorated the Islamic movement? (a) Hazrat Ali (RA) (b) Hazrat Umar (RA) (c) Hazrt Hamza (RA) (d) Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA)
(c) Hazrt Hamza (RA)
Amir Muawiay transferred his capital
from Kufa to
(a) Baghdad
(c) Makkah
(b) Damascus
(d) Medina
(b) Damascus
Name the first personality who laid his life in the way of Allah in Masjid- e-Harraam? (a) Abu Zar Ghaffari (RA) (b) AbuSalma(RA) (c) Swaid bin Sabi (RA) (d) Haris bin Abi Halla (RA)
(d) Haris bin Abi Halla (RA)
Name the first Muslim who scarified one of his eyes in the way of Allah (a) Usman bin Mazoon (RA) (b) Zubair bin Al-Awwam (RA) (c) AbuSalma(RA) (d) Haris bin Abi Halla (RA)
(a) Usman bin Mazoon (RA)
Who threw the first arrow for Islam?
a) Hazrat Hamza (RA
(b) Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqqas (RA)
(c) Haroon
(d) Umar bin Abdul Aziz
(b) Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqqas (RA)
“His reign was the most glorious and
brilliant in the intellectual history of
Islam”. These remarks refer to
Name the first couple which migrated
in the way of Allah.
Hz Usman and Ruqaiya
Central Asia became the part Muslim Empire during the reign of (a) Yazid (b) Waleed l (c) Khalid bin Waleed (d) None of these
(b) Waleed l
The conqueror of Central Asia was Khalid bin Walled Qutayba bin Muslim Muhammad bir Qasim None of these
Qutayba bin Muslim
Name the non Arab who first embraced Islam (a) Hazrat Awais Qami (RA) (b) Hazrat Bilal Habshi (RA) (c) Hazrat Farwah bin Umro Al Jazami (RA) (d) Hazrat Usamah bin Zaid (RA)
(c) Hazrat Farwah bin Umro Al Jazami
The last caliph of Ummayyads was
Marwan II
Name the first one whose expression of pride was liked by the Prophet (SAW)
(a) Abu Dardaa
(c) Abu Nasir
(b) Abu Umar
(d) Abu Dajjana
(d) Abu Dajjana
The foundation of the city of Baghdad was laid in 762 during the reign of Abbasid caliph (a) Abu Muslim (c) AIMahdi (b) Al Mansoor (d) Adul Abbas
(b) Al Mansoor
Who was the first poet rewarded by the Holy Prophet (SAW)? (a) Abu Jandal (b) Kaab bin Zuhair (c) Usamah bin Zaid (d) Maalik bin Dinar
(b) Kaab bin Zuhair
"With his death, ended the glory of Abbasids", the dead caliph was (a) Haroon-ur-Rashid (b) Mamoon (c) Al Wasiq Billah (d) Al Mutasim Billah
(c) Al Wasiq Billah
Kingdom of Khwarzim was destroyed in 1218-20 AD by (a) Halaku Khan (b) ChangaizKhan (c) TemurLung (d) QublaiKhan
b) ChangaizKhan
Who wrote ‘Hisab at Jabr wal Muqablah’?
(a) IbneSina
(b) Muhamamd bin Musa Al Khwarzimi
(c) AIRazi
(d) AlBeruni
(b) Muhamamd bin Musa Al Khwarzimi
Which was the first person informed Hazrat Ayesha (RA) about the event of Afak?
Ummay Mustah bin Asasah
The first great Arab alchemist was
(a) IbneSina
(b) Jabir bin Hayyan
(c) AIRazi
(d) Yahya bin Mansoor
(b) Jabir bin Hayyan
Baytal-Hikmat was a
Translation bureau
Medical university
None of these
(a) Translation bureau
Who is called as the "Herodotus of Arabs"? (a) Tabari (b) Abul Hassan Ali Al-Masudi (c) Ibne-Athir (d) None of these-
Abul Hassan Ali Al-Masudi
The first biography on the life of Holy Prophet (PBUH) is by
(a) Ibne Ishaq
(c) Al-Zarqali
(b) Ibne-Hisham
(d) Al-Waqidi
(b) Ibne-Hisham
Who was the first key holder of Kaba
among Quraish
Halaku Khan captured Baghdad in
(a) 1320 AD
(b) 1328 AD
(c) 1335 AD
(d) 1338 AD
(b) 1328 AD
Who as the first host of the Holy Prophet (SAW) at Madina? (a) Hazrat Abu Ayyub Ansaari (RA) (b) Hazrat Kalsoom bin Hadam (R) (c) Hazrat Abdullah bin Amro (RA) (d) Hazrat Saad bin Khazeema
(a) Hazrat Abu Ayyub Ansaari (RA)
Mftah-ul-Khyr was the title of which Abasid Caliph
There are how many surahas in Quran on the name of cities?
Who first of all verified the Holy
Prophet (SAW) as a prophet?
Warqa Bin Naufal
Which of the following Prophets (A.S.) is known as Saffiullah? (a) Hazrat Abrahim (A.S.) (b) Hazrat Adam (A.S.) (c) Hazrat Younas (A.S.) (d) None of the above
Hazrat Adam (A.S.)
Name the first Muslim who faced the first ever ordinance of Qazf (a) Hasan bin Sabit (b) Mustah bin Asasa (c) Hamnah bin Jahsh (d) All of them
(d) All of them
Proof of “qazf liable to hadd” includes the accused confessing to it in court, the accused committing qazf in court, or if two Muslim adult male witnesses (other than the victim of the qazf) testify that the defendant committed qazf.
Name the first Muslim who migrated to Madina? (a) Hazrat Abu Salam (RA) (b) Hazrat Bilal (RA) (c) Hazrat Talha (RA) (d) Hazrat Jaafar Tayyar (RA
(a) Hazrat Abu Salam (RA)
Name the first enemy spy in Muslim history who was arrested Abdullah bin Ubai Abu Sufyan Hasham bin Asabah None of these
Hasham bin Asabah
Name the first Muslim in Madina who wrote the Wahi? (a) Hazrat Abu Salma (RA) (b) Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (RA) (c) Hazrat Abi bin Kaab (RA) (d) Hazrat Zaid bin Haris (RA)
(c) Hazrat Abi bin Kaab (RA)
Who was the first to offer the prayers before death? (a) Hazrat Hamza (RA) (b) Hazrat Hubaib (RA) (c) Hazrat Umar (RA) (d) Hazrat Talha (RA)
(b) Hazrat Hubaib (RA)
Name the first shaheed of incident of
(a) Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit (RA)
(b) Hazrat Zaid bin Haris (RA)
(c) Hazrat Hamza (RA)
(d) Hazrat Haram bin Malhan (RA)
(d) Hazrat Haram bin Malhan (RA)
(The Expedition of Bir Maona (also spelt Ma’una), according to Islamic tradition, took place four months after the Battle of Uhud in the year 4 A.H[2] of the Islamic calendar. Muhammad sent missionaries to preach Islam,[better source needed] at the request of Abu Bara. Forty (as per Ibn Ishaq) or seventy (as per Sahih Bukhari) of the Muslim missionaries sent by Muhammed were killed)
The first attack on Constantinople was launched by the Muslims in the reign of (a) Hazrat Ali (RA) (b) Muawiyya . (c) Merman I (d) Hazrat Usman (RA)
Muawiyya .
The pact of Median was signed between
Muslims and Jews
largest number of Ahadith reported by
a) Syeda Ayesha (RA
(b) Hazrat Abu Huraira (RA)
(c) Hazrat Ali (RA)
(d) Hazrat Ans bin Malik
(b) Hazrat Abu Huraira (RA)
The Abbasid capital was removed from Baghdad to 'Samarra', a newly founded city in 836, during the reign of (a) Mamoon (b) Mutasim Billah (c) Maroon (d) Wasiq Billah
(b) Mutasim Billah
'Bait-e-Rizwan' was made to take the revenge of (a) Hazrat Hamza (RA) (b) Hazrat Usman (RA) (c) Hazrat Ali (RA) (d) Hazrat Umar (RA)
(b) Hazrat Usman (RA)
The last Fatimid ruler was
(a) Al-Muizz
(c) Al-Mansur
(b) Al-Adid
(d) None of these
(b) Al-Adid
It is the first book of Hadith that was compiled by any one (a) Muta Imam Malik (b) Sahih Muslim (a) Shahih Bukkari (d) None of these
(a) Muta Imam Malik
The total period of Abbasids
caliphate was
(a) 400 years (b) 508 years
(c) 600 years (d) 708 years
508 years
Name the battle in which Hazrat Ali (RA) did not participate (a) Ahzab (c) Mota (b) Badr (d) Tabook
Salahuddin Ayubi emerged as the hero of the Muslims in (a) First Crusade (b) Second Crusade (c) Third Crusade (d) Fourth Crusade
(c) Third Crusade
The great mosque of Damascus was built by (a) AmirMuawiyya (b) Waleed I (c) Umarll (d) None of these
(b) Waleed I
Name the first Abbasid Caliph
(a) Saleh bin Abdullah
(b) Saffah
(c) Marwan
(d) Abbas bin Al
(b) Saffah
The first Umayad Amir of Andulus adopt the title of Caliph
(a) Abdur Rehman III
(b) AlHadi
(c) Umar III
(d) Hamza III
(a)Abdur Rehman III
The city constructed on the bank of the river Tigris is (a) Basra (c) Najaf (b) Baghdad (d) Tehran