ISL 01 Flashcards
Hazrat Muhammad SWS went to Syria with Abu Talib at the age of
12 Years
Name of fosters mothers of the Holy Prophet
Hazrat Haleema,
Hazrat Sobia,
Hazrat Khola
___ House became the centre of preaching of Islam
Hazrat Arqam
Second Migration to Habshah Take place in
615 AD
When did the boycott of Banu Hashim take place
7th Year of Nabvi
Where did the musllims take refuge near the Makkah in 7th year of Prophethood?
Shi’b-e-Abi Talib
when MIRAJ take place
27 Rajb, 11th year of Prophethood
Name of Camel Of prophet while migration to medina ?
Hazrat Hamza embrace Islam in
5h Nabvi
When Five prayers became Farz
11th Nabvi
at ____ salat became an obligation
Hijraa to Madina took place in
13th Nabvi
Quran was revealed in the night of
Year Of sorrow
10th Nabvi
Migration to medina took place in
24th sept, 622 AD
When Hijra started
12th Rabiulawwal of 13th year of Nabuwat
Arkan e Islam
Kalimah Tayaba Salat zakat Hajj Soam
Which pillar of Islam Declared as an armour?
The first practical manifestation of faith is
Treaty of Hudaibiyah took place in
6th Hijra
Prophet go to perform Hajj in
10th Hijra
Hajj made compulsory in
9th Hijra
Qiblah Changed in
2nd Hijri
____ mosque was famous for the change of Qiblah
Masjid e Qiblatain
Zakat became farz in
2nd Hijri
Who were Ashab e Sufah
Mahajirs who stayed near the Masjid e Nabvi
truce of Hudaibiya took place in
6th Hijri
The first written constitution of the world
Meesaq e Madinah
First capital of Islamic commonwealth?
Ummul Momineen
Wifes of the prophet
Ummul Masakeeen
Hazrat Zainab (Wife of Prohphet)
Title of Hazrat Ayesha
Last of Ummul Momineen died was
Umme Salma
meaning of Imaan e Mujammal
The Belief In Brief
Meaning of Imaan e Mufassal
The Belief in Detail,
07 essential beliefs in this
How many Muhajareen were there at the time of ‘Mawakhat’?
Who was Ameen ul Ummat
Hazrat Abu Ubaidah Bin Jarrah
First muslim among slaves was
Hazrat Zaid Bin Haris
Fundamental Belifs in Islam in Prope Orded
Tauheed Risalat Maika Alhami Kitaab Akhirat
who gave gift to Holy Prophet firslty
Holy Prophet accepted gift from an infeldal first time
Abu Sufyaan
unpardonable sin is
First female shaheed of Islam
Hazrat Samiya
Functions of Hazrat Meekail
Make rain and supply of food to Allah’s creature
Who will blow the tumpet on the Day of Ressrection
Hazrat Israfeel
Two angels who note the deed of a person
Kiraman Katibeen
Roh Ul Quds in Quran?
Hazrat Jibraeel, also called Rooh Ul Ameen In Quran
Oldest Holy book?
The Torait,
also called the old testament
Total Number of ghazwas