iSearch Essay Vocab Flashcards
What is denote?
To indicate; to be a sign of something.
What is articulate?
To express something fluently, effectively and clearly.
What is explicit?
Describes something stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt.
What is evoke?
To bring or recall something to the conscious mind.
What is adept?
Describes someone who is very skilled at something.
What is notable?
Describes something that is worthy of attention; remarkable. Can be negative or positive.
What is attest?
To provide or serve as clear evidence of (used with to); to be a witness to.
What is exemplify?
To be an example of; illustrate by giving an example.
What is depict?
Portray in words; describe; show or represent by a drawing or some other form of art.
What is affect?
To produce a change; to influence.
What is effect?
Something that results from an action or other cause.
What is advocate?
To publicly recommend or support.