Ischemic Heart Disease I Flashcards
Percent of population that has had an MI
MCC of an MI
Pathogenesis of IHD
Supply that does not meet demand - Can be a blockage, or hypotension, or even anemia or bleeding out
IHD continuum
Prinzmetal angina
Stable angina
Unstable angina
Myocardial Infarction: NSTEMI or STEMI
Acute coronary syndrome
When there is plaque rupture and thrombus formation
STEMI, NSTEMI, or Unstable Angina all count
How much blood is getting through in ACS
USA - No occlusion
NSTEMI - Partial occlusion
STEMI - Complete occlusion
Presentation of stable angina
Typical patter with predictability
1-15 minutes persistence
Pain with activity
Presentation of Unstable angina
Unexpected - a change from the patients usual pattern
Pain DOES NOT go away with rest or nitroglycerin
MI is imminent
Continuum of myocyte cell death
Ischemia - As soon as there is a loss of blood flow - hurts but fine
Injury - Some cells will return to normal some won’t
Infarct - Tissue is fully dead and akinetic
Acute infarct
Has happened within 3-5 days
NSTEMI cause and presentation
Subendocardial wall of the LV, Septum or Papillary muscle is infarcted
ST depression or T wave inversion or nothing(won’t do that on a test)!!!!
Non Q wave
STEMI cause and presentation
Transmural MI
ST elevation and Q waves
Label based on area we are seeing it in
ECG tombstoning
Type I MI
Primary coronary event due to rupture of a plaque
Type II MI
Secondary to ischemia d/t oxygen demand and decresed supply - Spasm, embolism, anemia, arrhythmias
Atherosclerosis is NOT THE CAUSE
Sudden cardiac death
Type IV MI
Have had an angioplasty or sent
Type V MI
Associated with CABG
Myocardial stunning
Heart stops working to save itself - restarts on reperfusion
Hibernating myocardium
Tissue is alive but needs to be reperfused - MUGA scan
3 Most common patients with silent ischemia
Diabetics, elderly, women
2 branches of the right coronary artery
Marginal and Posterior Descending
2 branches of left coronary artery
Circumflex and Anterior descending
Supply to inferior portion of the heart (LV)
Right coronary artery
Supply to the SA and AV node
Right coronary artery
Supply to lateral heart
Left circumflex artery
Supply to anterior heart (LV)
Left anterior descending artery (widowmaker)
Supply to posterior heart
Right coronary artery - Posterior descending artery
(Tall R wave in leads V1-V3)
To questions for initial evaluation of a patient with chest discomfort
How likely is ACS?
What is the risk of adverse events?
One more time, what qualifies as ACS again?
Unstable angina
Squeezing, gnawing pain in the chest
ACS typical presentation
Rarely “pain”
Radiation to left shoulder, scapula, jaw
SUDDEN! (Past 1-2 days)
Lasts 2-5 minutes - typically with exertion
Aggravating/Alleviating factors for ACS
NTG and rest make it better
Activity, meals, stress, sex, morning, supine position make it worse
Associate s/s of ACS
Impending doom
Abnormal presentation of ACS in women
Pressure, fatigue, weakness
Pay attention to risk factors
Physical exam for ACS
May have high/low BP
Fast/slow HR
SICK APPEARING - Gray and Diaphoretic
Altered consciousness
1 substance that can induce chest pain
Cocaine - vasospasms
Criteria of TIMI score
65+ Age
Prior CAD
Aspirin in past 7 days
Severe angina
ST deviation over 0.5 mm
Elevated cardiac markers - CK-MB or troponin
TIMI score interpretation
0-2 Low risk
3-4 Intermediate risk
5+ High risk
HEART score
Risk factors
History measurement for HEART score
2 - Highly suspicious
1 - Moderately suspicious
0 - Slightly suspicious
ECG measurement for HEART score
2 - Significant ST depression
1 - Nonspecific repolarization disturbance
0 - Normal ECG
Age measurement for HEART score
2 - 65+
1 - 45-65
0 - 45 or less
Risk factors for heart score
2 - Three risk factors
1 - One or Two risk factors
0 - No risk factors
Troponin measurement for HEART score
2 - 3+ times the normal limit
1-3 times the normal limit
Interpretation and Intervention for HEarT scores
0-3 - Discharge (2.5% likelihood)
4-6 - Admit for observation (22.3% likelihood)
7-10 - Admit with early invasive strategies (72.7% likelihood)
Normal troponin level
0.04 ng/mL (0.12 is three times normal)