Ischemic heart Disease Drugs Flashcards
What are the risk factors for coronary heart diseases that are controllable?
Hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, smoking cigarettes, obesity
What are the uncontrollable risk factors for CAD?
Age, gender (male), race and family hx
Burning, squeezing or crushing chest pain radiates to the left arm, shoulder or jaw is caused by?
And when does it occur?
Angina pectoris
Occurs mostly after physical exertion
What is seen on the ecg of angina pectoris?
ECG ST segment depression or can be a normal ecg
Chest pain after strenuous physical activity is what class?
Chest pain after walking >2 blocks or climbing >1 flight of stairs is what class?
Class 2
Chest pain when walking 1 or 2 blocks or climbing 1 flight of stairs is what class?
Class 3
Chest pain at rest is caused by what class?
Class 4
What is the mechanism of angina pectoris?
Chest pain due to decrease blood and oxygen supply to the heart
Chest pain that occurs with exercise or stress and relieved by rest?
Stable angina
Chest pain that occurs during rest and may progress to MI?
Unstable angina
What causes vasospasm of coronary artery and shows a ST segment elevation during an attack?
How can you differentiate this from an ischemic heart(ex who is at risk)? And how are they treated?
Vasospastic angina (prinzmetal’s angina), because it occurs in females around 40-50. Usually occurs in a younger person. Give nitro prn if it is once a month
What is the goal of treatment of angina and how will it be accomplished?
- To increase blood/ oxygen supply by lowering the vasospasm
- decreasing blood and oxygen demand by decreasing tpr, cardio output or both
Drugs used to treat angina pectoris
Beta blockers
Calcium channel blockers Metabolic modifier Ivabradine
How does the vasodilator nitrates work?
Work by activation of Nitric Oxide (NO)
eNOS(endothelial nitric oxide synthase) can be activated by: Acetylcholine, histamine, bradykinin, and serotonin.
GTP———NO+++ Guanylyl cyclase——————c GMP Relaxation
How? By dephosphorylation of myosin light-chain which prevents its interaction with actin and causes relaxation of the blood vessels which leads to vasodilation.