Isaiah Flashcards
Subtitle of Isaiah:
“The Messianic and Millennial Prophet”
Main content of Isaiah:
Isaiah is a miniature Bible in the Bible
Has 1 chapter for every one of the 66 books of the Bible
Divided into 2 major sections just like the Bible
Last chapter concludes with a prophecy of the New Heaven and the New Earth just as the last book of the Bible does.
What is the key chapter of Isaiah?
Isaiah 53 “The sufferings of the Messiah”
Author of Isaiah:
What is the meaning of Isaiah’s name?
“Salvation of the Word” -also the same as the message of Isaiah’s book
Describe Isaiah’s Lineage
He was of distinguished lineage and education. He was the nephew of King Amaziah- cousin of King Uzziah (Royal seed) He was a preacher at the Royal Court. He was married to a prophetess and had 2 sons
Like Ezekiel, Isaiah acted out his message in unusual ways. Explain:
God commanded Isaiah to walk barefoot and naked for 3 years to picture how Assyria would conquer Egypt and Ethiopia- thus removing all hope that Judah could trust in foreign alliances and moving them to trust in God alone for safety.
Describe how Isaiah was martyred
The Jewish Talmud says Isaiah was sawn assunder by evil King Manasseh
How long did Isaiah minister?
about 60 years
What prophets were Isaiah a contemporary to and where?
He was a contemporary to the Amos and Hosea in the Northern Kingdom
Who did Isaiah minister alongside and where?
He ministered alongside Micah in the Southern Kingdom
Name Isaiah’s 2 fold Purpose:
To rebuke his present sinful generation and call them back to their covenant relationship with God
To comfort a future exiled generation and insure them God could call them back to their land and a future messianic Kingdom
Who was the greatest of the prophets to the Jews?
Who was the greatest writer who ever lived?
Isaiah- his skills and eloquence surpass Shakespeare, Milton, and Homer
What is the size of the book of Isaiah?
It is the 3rd longest book of the Bible, surpassed only buy Jeremiah and Psalms
What is the nature of Isaiah (the prophet).
Isaiah is called the Messianic prophet, the 5th Gospel and the Evangelical prophet. Only Psalms has more verses about Christ. Jesus said Isaiah saw his glory and spoke of him.
What are the most famous manuscripts of Isaiah?
The Dead Sea Scrolls
How much older are the Dead Sea Scrolls than any existing manuscript of this book? (Isaiah)
1,000 years older
What did skeptics claim for years concerning the Biblical text of the Old Testament?
That it had been greatly corrupted as copies of copies of copies had been made down through the centuries. Liberal professors taught that we could no longer be sure of the original text
With the great manuscript find Dead Sea Scrolls find, what do we have?
The perfect test tube experiment to prove or to disprove the accuracy of the Jewish copying process
Who was Judah’s second worse king,even sacrificing his own children to Idols?
This son of wicked Ahaz became the second best king of Judah?
Who was the Assyrian spokesman who blasphemed God when the Assyrian army surrounded Jerusalem?
Who was the Assyrian General who besieged Jerusalem and saw his army defeated by the prayer of Hezekiah?
Te future king of the Persian empire whom Isaiah predicted would command the return of the Jews to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple?
What did God send because Israel had rejected the Word of God when it was preached unto them simply in their own language?
God sent his Word of Judgment in “another tongue”- the language of their Assyrian captors.
What warning had Isaiah and Jeremiah spoken of before the Assyrian and Babylonian Captivities?
To the Jews, it was a sign of judgment by Captivity to be spoken in another tongue/language- It was a warning sign of judgment to Israel for rejecting their Messiah King
How should we teach our children?
“line upon line..precept upon precept”
Isaiah 43:10 refutes what?
“Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, and my servant whom I shall have chosen..
Polytheism- there is only one God
Pantheism- this God is personal
Mormonism- We cannot become gods and we are not “little gods”
Jehovah Witnesses view that Jesus was an angel that became a god
Armstrongism- We cannot join the Godhead
Universalism- All men will not be saved
Liberalism and Cultism- Lord Jehovah declares “Beside Me there is no Savior”
What is the Salvation of the Messiah?
The Messiah’s death for our sins
What was the rejection of our Savior?
He was despised, He was rejected, He was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. His life story from the cradle to the cross
The keyword in Isaiah 53:4 is..
The second half of verse 6 of Isaiah 53 declares that all the guilt of all men was laid upon whom?