A collection of software robots that create and send out spam extremely quickly.
Botnet -
The mental state of mind of a defendant in committing a crime.
Criminal intent -
A part of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) that identifies and apprehends Internet child pornographers.
Cyber Crimes Center (C3) -
An individual who uses a computer or network technology to plan or perpetrate a violation of the law.
Cybercriminal -
A crime that involves using the Internet, e-mail, or other electronic communications devices to repeatedly harass or threaten another person.
Cyberstalking -
An attacker or a group of attackers that use a target country’s computers and information, usually through the Internet, to cause physical harm, severely disrupt the country’s infrastructure, or create panic.
Cyberterrorist -
The use of computers and the Internet to conduct warfare in cyberspace.
Cyberwarfare -
An attack in which an attacker deprives people of the services they are entitled to access or provide.
Denial of service (DoS)/Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack -
An attempt to gain money or something else of value by threatening, coercing, or intimidating a victim.
Extortion -
A crime that involves intentional deception for personal gain or to cause other damage to an individual or a company.
Fraud -
Illegal intrusion into a computer system without the permission of the computer owner or user.
Hacking -
A crime in which someone wrong- fully obtains and uses another person’s personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception. Criminals typically commit identity theft for economic gain.
Identity theft -
A crime that involves stealing trade secrets, material that is copyrighted, or other information to which an individual or a company has a right.
Intellectual property theft -
Malicious software that is designed to infiltrate a computer system without the user’s consent. This includes computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, some types of adware, and other malicious and unwanted software.
Malware -
The ability to commit a crime.
Means -
A reason a suspect commits a crime.
Motive -
The chance to commit a crime.
Opportunity -
A crime that involves using e-mail or Web sites to get confidential information by deceptive means.
Phishing -
Theft of material that is copyrighted through the illegal copying of genuine programs or counterfeiting of products that are intended to pass as originals.
Piracy -
A rather unsophisticated hacker who uses a point-and-click tool rather than program software.
Script kiddy -
Unsolicited or undesired electronic messages.
Spam -
A plan, method, technology, or other sensitive information that is owned by an individual or a company. Theft of these secrets damages a busi- ness’s competitive edge.
Trade secret -