Irregular Verbs In 4 Tenses Flashcards
To go
Je vais
I go (present)
Tu vas
You go( present)
Il/elle/on va
He/she goes (present)
Nous allons
We go (present)
Vous allez
You (pl) go
Ils/elles vous
They go (present)
I go
Je vais
You go
Tu vas
He/she goes
Il/elle/on va
We go
Nous allons
You(pl) go
Vous allez
They go
Ils/elles vont
Je suis allé(e)
I went (perfect)
Tu es allé(e)
You went (perfect)
Il/elle/on est allé(e/es)
He she went
Nous sommes allé(e)s
We went (perfect)
Vous êtes allé(e/s)
You (pl) went
Ils/elles sont allé(e)s
They went (perfect
Rule for perfect tense avoir- went
Present tense Être- suis,es,est.sommes,êtes,sont
Allé+ (e/s) -must agree
I was going (imperfect)
Tu allais
You were going(imperfect
Il/elle/on allait
He/she was going (imperfect)
Nous allions
We were going (imperfect
Vous alliez
You(pl) were going (imperfect
Ils/elles allaient
They were going (imperfect
Rule for imperfect aller- was/were going
All+ ais,ais,ait,ions,iez,aient
I will go (future
Tu iras
You will go (future
Il/elle/on ira
He she will go (future)
Nous irons
We will go (future)
Vous irez
You(pl) will go (future)
Ils/elles iront
They will go (future)
Rule for future tense aller- will go
Ir+ ai,as,a,ons,ez,ont
To go
To have
I have(present)
Tu as
You have (present)
Il/elle/on a
He/she has (present)
Nous avons
We have (present)
Vous avez
You(pl) have (present)
Ils/elles ont
They have (present)
J’ai eu
I had(perfect)
Tu as eu
You had (perfect
Il/elle/on a eu
He she had (perfect
Nous avons eu
We had (perfect)
Vous avez eu
You(pl) had
Ils/elles ont eu
They had (perfect)
Rule for perfect tense avoir - had
Present tense avoir- ai,as,a,avons,avez,ont
+ eu
I was having (imperfect
Tu avais
You were having (imperfect)
Il/elle/on avait
He/she were having (imperfect
Nous avions
We were having (imperfect)
Vous aviez
You(pl) were having (imperfect
Ils/elles avaient
They were having (imperfect
Rule for imperfect tense avoir-was/were having
Av+ ais,ais,ait,ions,iez,aient
I will have (future
Tu auras
You will have (future
Il/elle/on aura
He/she will have(future
Nous aurons
We will have (future
Vous aurez
You(pl) will have (future
Ils/elles auront
They will have (future)
Rule for future tense avoir - will have
Aur + ai,as,a,ons,ez,ont
To have
To have to
Je dois
I have to (present)
Tu dois
You have to (perfect
Il/elle/on doit
He she has to (present
Nous devons
We have to (present
Vous devez
You have to (present
Ils/elles doivent
They have to (present
Rule for present tense devoir- have to
D + ois,ois,oit,evons,evez,oivent
J’ai dû
I had to (perfect
Tu as dit
You had to (perfect)
Il/elle/on a dû
He she had to(perfect
Nous avons dû
We had to (perfect(
Vous avez dû
You(pl) had to (perfect
Ils/elles ont dû
They had to (perfect
Perfect tense devoir-had to
Present tense avoir -ai,as,a,avons,avez,ont
+ dû
Je devais
I was having to(imperfect(
Tu devais
You were having to (imperfect
Il/elle/on devait
He she were having to (imperfect
Nous devions
We were having to (imperfect
Vous deviez
You(pl) were having to (imperfect
Ils/elles devaient
They were having to (imperfect
Rule for imperfect devoir- was/were having to
Dev+ ais,ais,ait,ions,iez,aient
Je devrai
I will have to (future
Tu devras
You will have to (future
Il/elle/on devra
He she will have to (future
Nous devrons
We will have to(future
Vous devrez
You(pl) will have to (future
Ils/elles devront
They will have to (future
Future tense devoir-will have to
Devr+ ai,as,a,ons,ez,ont