Irregular Verbs Flashcards
cerrar (to close) convertir (to convert) defender (to defend) divertirse (to have fun) empezar (to begin) entender (to understand) mentir (to lie) pensar (to think) perder (to lose) preferir (to prefer) querer (to want) recomendar (to recommend) sentir (to feel, to regret) tener (to have) venir (to come)
Present tense
boot e to ie
almorzar (to eat lunch) contar (to count) dormir (to sleep) encontrar (to find) llover (to rain) morir (to die) mover (to move) mostrar (to show) poder (to be able to) probar (to try) resolver (to resolve) sonar (to sound, to ring) soñar (to dream) volar (to fly) volver (to return)
Present tense
Boot o to ue
corregir (to correct) decir (to say, to tell) elegir (to elect) medir (to measure) pedir (to ask for, to order) repetir (to repeat) seguir (to follow) servir (to serve) vestir (to dress)
Present tense
Boot e to i
infinitive: caber (to fit) dar (to give) estar (to be) saber (to know) ver (to see)
yo form: quepo doy estoy sé veo
Remember, with these verbs only the yo form is irregular.
List of common present tense verbs with irregular yo form conjugations:
Infinitive: caer (to fall) decir (to say, to tell) hacer (to make, to do) poner (to put) salir (to leave) tener (to have) traer (to bring) valer (to be worth) venir (to come)
Yo form: caigo digo hago pongo salgo tengo traigo valgo vengo
List of common present tense “-go” verbs:
Infinitive: conducir (to drive) conocer (to know) obedecer (to obey) ofrecer (to offer) parecer (to seem) producer (to produce) traducir (to translate)
Yo form: conduzco conozco obedezco ofrezco parezco produzco traduzco
present tense yo form conjugations that end in a vowel followed by “-cer” or “-cir” are “-zco” verbs
jugar (to play):
present tense
juego jugamos
juegas jugáis
juega juegan
jugar is the only u→ue stem changing verb,
ir (to go):
present tense
voy vamos
vas vais
va van
Notice that there are no accent marks in the vosotros form.
estar (to be):
present tense
estoy estamos
estás estáis
está están
These accent marks help to distinguish conjugations of estar from similar looking demonstrative adjectives.
ser (to be):
present tense
soy somos
eres sois
es son
Notice that there are no accent marks in the vosotros form.
decir (to say, to tell):
present tense
digo decimos
dices decís
dice dicen
vencer (to defeat):
present tense
present tense yo form conjugations that end in a constant followed by “-cer” or “-cir” are “-zo” verbs
dirigir (to direct):
present tense
In order to preserve the “h” sound when conjugating “-ger” and “-gir” present tense verbs in the yo form, we change the “g” to a “j.”
dirijo dirigimos
diriges dirigís
dirige dirigen
distinguir (to distinguish):
present tense
For “-guir” present tense verbs, the “u” keeps the “g” from being pronounced like an “h” when it’s followed by “e” and “i.” Since the yo form ends in an “o,” the “u” is no longer necessary.
distingo distinguimos
distingues distinguís
distingue distinguen
relinquir (to relinquish):
present tense
The the “qu” in “-quir” present tense verbs is normally pronounced like a “k.” If, however, we followed the “qu” with an “o,” we’d end up with a “kwo” sound (instead of “ko”). To prevent this, we change the “qu” to a “c.”
relinco relinquimos
relinques relinquís
relinque relinquen
influir (to influence):
Present tense
Add a “y” to some conjugations of “-uir” present tense verbs in order to ease pronunciation. These aren’t considered stem changing verbs, but notice how they follow the same pattern.
influyo influimos
influyes influís
influye influyen
This “y” trick is not used with “-guir” verbs or “-quir” verbs because the “u” is not actually pronounced.
adquirir (to acquire):
present tense
Adquirir is the only i→ie stem changing verb you’ll encounter.
adquiero adquirimos
adquieres adquirís
adquiere adquieren
oler (to smell):
present tense
oler (to smell) is the only o→hue stem changer.
huelo olemos
hueles oléis
huele huelen
reír (to laugh):
present tense
The infinitive reír features an accent mark. We can almost treat reír as an e→í stem changing verb, except for the fact that we also need an accent in the nosotros form.
río reímos
ríes reís
ríe ríen
oír (to hear):
present tense
The infinitive oír features an accent mark in the nosotros form. It is also a “-go” verb and gets an additional “y” in some conjugations like “-uir” verbs:
oigo oímos
oyes oís
oye oyen
saber (to know):
present tense
sé sabemos
sabes sabéis
sabe saben
Notice accent on yo form.
sonreír (to smile):
present tense
The infinitive sonreír features an accent mark. We can almost treat reír as an e→í stem changing verb, except for the fact that we also need an accent in the nosotros form.
sonrío sonreímos
sonríes sonreís
sonríe sonríen
dar (to give):
ver (to see):
ir (to go):
present tense vosotros form
One Syllable Vosotros Conjugations.
Normally the endings for vosotros conjugations are: “-áis,” “-éis,” and “-ís,” all with accents. But when we have short, one syllable conjugations like with dar or ver, the accent is unnecessary. The stress naturally falls on that vowel anyway.
infinitive: vosotros form:
dar (to give) → dais
ver (to see) → veis
ir (to go) → vais
Present tense
enviar (to send) ampliar (to amplify) confiar (to trust) criar (to raise) espiar (to spy) fiar (to sell) variar (to vary)
Some “-iar” verbs have accent marks pop up in their conjugations. The reason for this is somewhat complicated but the bottom line is pronunciation.
enviar (i→í):
envío enviamos
envías enviáis
envía envían
present tense
evaluar (to evaluate) acentuar (to accentuate) continuar (to continue) actuar (to act) graduar (to graduate) habituar (to inhabit) situar (to situate) valuar (to value)
Some “-uar” verbs have accent marks pop up in their conjugations. The reason for this is somewhat complicated but the bottom line is pronunciation.
evaluar (u→ú):
evalúo evaluamos
evalúas evaluáis
evalúa evalúan