IRREGULAR: Aller, présent, imparfait, futur Flashcards
Je vais
I go (present)
I go (present)
Je vais
Tu vas
You go (present)
You go (present)
Tu vas
Il/Elle/On va
He/she/one goes (present)
he/she/one goes (present)
il/elle/on va
nous allons
we go (present)
we go (present)
nous allons
ils/elles vont
they go (present)
they go (present)
ils/elles vont
Whiat is the imparfait tense for?
states and actions that were ongoing or repeated in the past
Which tense is used for states and actions that were ongoing or repeated in the past
the imparfait
e.g Used to
I used to go
I used to go (imparfait)
tu allais
you used to go (imparfait)
you used to go
tu allais (imparfait)
il/elle/on allait
he/she/one used to go
he/she used to go
il/elle allait (imparfait)
nous allions
we used to go (imparfait)
we used to go
nous allions (imparfait)
vous alliez
you used to go ((imparfait, formal)
you used to go (formal)
vous alliez (impartfait, formal)
you go (formal)
vou s allez (present, formal)
vous allez
you go (present, fomral)
ils/alles allaient
they used to go (imparfait)
they used to go
ils/elles allaient (imparfait)
I will go (future)
I will go
tu iras
you will go (future)
you will go
tu iras (future)
il/elle/on ira
he/she/one will go (future)
he/she/one will go (future)
il/elle/on ira
nous irons
we will go (future)
we will go (future)
nous irons
vous irez
you will go (future, formal)
you will go (formal)
vous irez
illes/elles iront
they will go (future)
they will go (future)
iles/elles iront (future)
We go (on, present)
On va