Iron (The First Micromineral) Flashcards
What are microminerals?
The daily requirement is <100 mg
Ten trace elements: Fe, I, Cu, Mn, Zn, Mo, Co, F, Se, Cr
In what form is iron absorbed?
Ferrous (2+) form
In what form is iron transported?
Ferric (3+) form
What are the six compartments into which iron is distributed?
- Hemoglobin (contains 70% (2-2.5g) of the body iron)
- Storage proteins - Ferritin & hemosiderin (contains 20% (0.6-1.0 g iron))
- Myoglobin (contains 5% or 0.13 g iron)
- Labile Pool - Iron bound to membranes or cytoplasmic proteins (contains 0.08-0.09g)
Transport iron bound to:
Transferrin c.250 mg/dL in the body (contains 400µg of iron/dL plasma)
Plasma ferritin c.10µg/dL (contains 5-7% iron) - Tissue iron in bone marrow, liver and reticuloendothelial system (0.006 to 0.008 gm iron)
Forms of tissue iron
Heme proteins: Cytochromes, Peroxidases, Catalase, Tryptophan pyrrolase
Flavoproteins: Xanthine oxidase, Dehydrogenases, Cytochrome C reductase
Iron–sulphur complexes: Adrenodoxin, Complex III Fe-S
Other non-heme proteins: Aconitase, Phenylalanine hydroxylase
What are the biochemical functions of iron?
Transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide
Storage of oxygen
Electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation
Immune function
Daily iron consumption in a balanced diet
10-20 mg
Amount of iron that is absorbed
1 mg
Amount absorbed depends on the body’s needs
What are the sources of iron?
Rich sources - Organ meats, such as liver, heart and kidney
Good sources - Leafy vegetables, pulses, cereals, fish, apples and dried fruits
Poor sources - Milk, wheat, polished rice
Which form of iron can most easily be absorbed?
Do males or females have higher iron requirements?
Women have a higher iron requirement
Iron requirement increases further during pregnancy and lactation
What factors increase the intestinal absorption of iron?
Acidic pH in stomach, dietary vitamin C
What factors decrease the intestinal absorption of iron?
Presence of oxalates, phosphates, phytates in food (so tea & leafy vegetables decrease absorption)
How much iron is lost per day?
Typical adults = 1 mg in shed epidermal and GI cells
Menstruating females lose an additional 0.5 to 1 mg/day from menses
There is no physiological mechanism to remove iron
How may excess iron overload occur?
Overconsumption and excess absorption of iron
Through repeated transfusion
What are the disorders of iron metabolism?
Iron deficiency anemia
What type of anemia is caused by iron deficiency?
Hypochromic, microcytic anemia
What is hemosiderosis?
Excessive iron is deposited as ferritin and hemosiderin in tissues (deposition of iron that does not cause tissue damage)
When may hemosiderosis occur?
In patients receiving repeated blood transfusions
In tribes with habit of cooking food in iron pots
What is hemochromatosis?
Iron is directly deposited in the tissues and cause damage (liver, spleen, pancreas and skin, endocrine glands)
Causes bronzed-pigmentation of skin, cirrhosis of liver and pancreatic fibrosis
Hemosiderosis is sometimes accompanied by hemochromatosis