Iron Deficiency Flashcards
Name the anemias of decreased erythropoiesis
- Iron
- Megaloblastic
- Anemia of chronic disease
- Aplastic
- Myelophthisic
How much iron is lost from body daily?
2mg/ day from epithelial shedding
Where is iron absorbed ?
B12 in ileum
What are causes of iron def. anemia?
NUTRITION: 1) poor diet e.g socioeconomic, vegetarians
2) malabsorption e.g celiac, sprue, gastrectomy, decrease acid, more calcium or tannic acid
DEMAND: 1) physio e.g infant, growth, elderly, menses, preg, birth, lactation.
2) patho e.g menorrhagia, hemoroids, ulcers, malignancy, hookworm infestation.
What do the labs show?
Anemia ( male: 13-18g/dl.. female: 11.5-16g/dl)
Iron low (<2.5g female and <3.5g in male)
Ferritin low
TIBC high
Iron saturation low
What are microcytic anemias?
T. Thalassemia A. Anemia of chronic disease I. Iron L. Lead poisoning S. Siderosis
What is MCV?
Mean corpuscular volume
82-92 femtolitre (fL)
Less than 82 is micro
What is seen in peripheral smear?
INCREASED central pallor
What is the sequence of lab finding?
In the start iron is low so stored iron is utilised. Our first finding would be
How do you treat iron def. anemia
No blood transfusion until cardiac symptoms occur e.g heart failure, cerebral hypoxia
So, dietary advice:more eggs, meat, grean Leafy veggies
Supplements: 200mg thrice a day for 3 to 6 months of FERROUS SULFATE
If side effects lower frequency to twice a day
IV options include iron isomaltose and iron carboxymaltose