Iron Flashcards
Cytochrome P450
An an iron enzyme used in first line of defense against toxins
Oxidizes: Caffeine, acetaminophen, nicotine, diazepam. aniline and benzene
When is iron most needed?
Periods of growth, blood loss (mensuration),
How much Iron is lost a day & from where
1-2mg – GIT, skin, Epithelial lining
How is iron involved in DNA transcription
Ribonucleotide reductase (converts ribonucleotides to deoxyribonucleotides) uses oxygen-bridged iron for stability.
Too little iron = Can’t properly syn DNA
Too much = Free radicals affect DNA
RDA for Adult Men and Women and Pregnant women
Men Always 8
Women: 18
Pregnant women: 27
RDA for Veg and Oral Contraceptive women (why?)
Veg = 1.8x higher (~32) B/c non-heme iron isn’t as bioavail
Oral Contraceptives = 10.9mg B/c there is less blood loss
Why is the AI for infants iron consumption so low?
0.27g ,It’s based off of healthy breastfed infants, which have high needs but really high bioavailability through source Lacto-ferrin
What sources of Food would provide enough iron within one serving?
Peanut butter, Claims, Beef liver (For all)
Claims only for Women 19-50
What form of iron is in dairy products?
low iron, non-heme
Heme Iron absorption
Little regulation, Through hcp 1, hydrolyzed to inorganic ferrous Fe and protoporphyrin, Also hydrolyzed in stomach and Small I (25% absorbed)
Non-heme absorption
Hydrolyzed from food components in the stomach, Fe2+ taken up by DMT1, Fe3+ can reduced into Fe2+ on BBM or turned into Fe(OH) which is insoluble = feces
17% absorbed
Why does increasing acidity improve iron absorption?
Supplies more ways to reduce Fe3+ which would improve absorption
What is iron balance determined by?
Iron absorption.
Increased Iron absorption is a result of duodenal expression of
DCYTB - increase reduction of ferric to ferrous
DMT1 - increase transport into cell
Ferroportin - increase transport of ferrous iron out
All cell iron transporters for uptake and output
When would there be an increased need for iron
pregnancy, erythropoiesis, hypoxia, iron deficiency