Name the 2 regulations we follow in the uK in regards to radiation
The Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 (IRR17)
The ionising Radiation medical exposure regulations 2017 (IRMER17)
When sis the IRR17 come into effect
1st Jan 2018
When did IRMER17 come into effect
6th feb 2018
Are the new radiation guidelines affected by BREXIT
What is a key aspect considered int eh new IRR17 that was not considered previously?
The use of radionuclides
How are radionuclides approached in IRR17
In a graded approach
Talk through the graded approach of how to handle radionuclides accordigfn to IRR17
if you work with low concentrations of radionuclides (low risk) you need to NOTIFY the health and safety executive
If you work with radiation generators (most dental practices) and artificial radionuclides you need to REGISTER with health and safety executives
If you administer radiopharmaceuticals to patients (high risk) you need to gain CONSENT from the health and safety executive
What does HSE stand for
Health and safety executive
What does the registration process to HSE for the use of ionising radiation entail
- 8-10 questions
- Risk assessment
- Identified and completed actions to restrict exposure
- Local rules
- Contingency plans
- Adequate training of staff
7.Designated and demarcated supervised and controlled areas - Estimation and/or measurement of employee’s exposure
Does every dentist need to register to HSE to be Abel to take radiographs
No only employers
Who is a classified worker
An employee Riley to receive:
1. An effective dose greater than 6mSv per year
2. An equivalent dose greater than 15mSv per year to the lens of the eye
3. A dose greater than 150mSv per year for the skin of the extremities
What does a classified worker need
An appointed doctor
Annual health checks
A passbook if they work in other employers controlled areas to have your doses monitored
Are there usually classified workers found in dentistry
talk through the hierarchy of who ensures radiation rules are upheld and regulated
Chief Executive
Head of Dental Radiology
Clinical Governance Group
Radiology Team Leader
All staff who are involved with work with X-rays
Name the 2 appointed people talked about in the local rules for radiation protection
- Radiation protection advisers
- Radiation protection supervisors
Who is the radiation protection advisor
A person an employer consults about observance of the regulations
What things must be discussed with the radiation protection advisor
- Plans for installation of new equipment
- Acceptance of new or modified equipment
- Controlled areas
- Working arrangements for pregnant employees
Under IRMER 17 who do you require to have in your team
A medical physics expert
Under IRR17 who do you require to have in your team
A radiation protection advisor (RPA)
Which two roles can be combined to fulfil both IRMER17 and IRR17
Medical physics expert (MPE) and radiation protection advisor (RPA)
What does a radiation protection supervisor do
Supervises the day to day radiation work and must be appointed in writing
What requirements must the radiation protection supervisor meet
They must:
1. Understand the regulations
2. Command sufficient authority to enable them to effectively supervise the radiation protection aspects of dental radiography
3. Understand the necessary precautions
4. Know what to do in an emergency
5. Be adequate trained
What questions should you ask if you think you need a controlled area
- Is it necessary for persons to follow special working procedures to avoid, or restrict, significant exposure
- Could the annual dose exceed the dose thresholds
Is it necessary to have a controlled area in dentistry
What is the threshold for employees and trainees over 18 years
Whole body: 20mSv per year
Lens of the eye: 20mSv per year
Skin hands, forearms, feet and ankles: 500mSv per year
What is the threshold for employees and trainees aged 18 and under according to II17
Whole body: 6mSv per year
Lens of the eye: 15mSv per year
Skin hands, forearms, feet and ankles: 150mSv per year
What is the threshold for ‘other people’ (the general public) under II17
Whole body: 1mSv per year
Lens of the eye: 15mSv per year
Skin hands, forearms, feet and ankles: 50mSv per year
What is the threshold for patients under II17
there is no limit
What requirements must a controlled area fulfil
1, Must be descriptor in the local rules
2. Must be demarcated
3. There must be a restriction to access
Who shovel be able to access the controlled areas
- Employees involved in taking the radiographs
- Other employees who require access eg cleaning staff
- Outside workers including engineers
- Prison officers and policemen
what can a controlled area be defined in relation to
A fixed distance from the x ray set