Iran Case Study Vocab Flashcards
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
President of Iran from 2005 to 2013 (principalist)
The most important Shia religious holiday, commemorating the death of Hussein, the grandson of the prophet Muhammad
Assembly of Experts
Elected body that chooses the supreme leader
In Shiite Islam, a title in the religious hierarchy achieved by scholars who have demonstrated highly advanced knowledge of Islamic law and religion
“People’s militia,” which serves as a public morals police
Parastatal foundations made in part from assets nationalized after the Iranian Revolution
chief justice
Head of the judiciary
Constitutional Revolution
1905-06 uprising against Qajar dynasty by secular and religious leaders to limit the power of the monarchy and resist Western imperialism
Expediency Council
Appointed body that mediates between the Majlis and the Guardian Council over legislative disputes
Language of Iran
Guardian Council
Appointed body that vets candidates for office and can overturn legislation
Descendants of the prophet Muhammad, considered by Shia to be true political and religious leaders of Islam
Iran-Iraq War
The 1980-88 conflict between the two countries, started by Iraq
Islamic Republic of Iran
Name for postrevolutionary Iran
Islamism/Islamic fundamentalism
The belief that Islam should be the source of the political regime
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
Current supreme leader of Iran, as of 1989
Mohammad Khatami
President of Iran from 1997 to 2005 (reformist)