IRA/GRA 2 Flashcards
the study of the distribution and determinants of health related states in specific population and the application of this study to control problems
look at frequency and pattern. causes or factors
infectious, chronic diseases, environmental health, injury
assessment and epi (core functions)
Assessment, monitoring, and surveillance of local health problems and needs and resources dealing with them
monitor health status and understand issues
protect people from hazards
policy and epi
PD and leadership emphasizes local needs, advocates for equitable distribution of public resources
give people info to make healthy decisions
engage community to ID and solve health problems
develop PH policies and plans
assurance and epi
high quality services and available and accessible to all persons enforce health laws health people receive health services maintain competent workforce evaluate and improve programs
Minnesota wheel
surveillance, investigation, outreach and screening
Epi Triangle/triad
vector in middle
any element or force capable of causing disease, injury or disability
biologic, physical (heat, trauma) agents, chemical, nutritional, psychological (stress, lack of support)
any population at risk for developing the disease
age, nutritional status, race, genetics, education, susceptibility (vaccinations), behavior, SDH
context in which host and agent interact
can be a combination that influence both; many overlaps
animate objects that carry agent to a susceptible host
animals, arthropods
phomites: inanimate objects that transmit agents: food, stethoscopes, etc
wheel of causation
biological<> social<> physical environment
genetic core
de-emphasizes agent
web of causation
represents the concepts of causation
de-emphasizes agent
looks at development of so we can prevent; SES
Natural history of disease:
Pre-pathogenesis (before you get sick)
primary prevention
health promotion/specific protection
Period of pathogenesis
[subclinical and clinical}
secondary prevention: early diagnosis and prompt treatment disability tertiary prevention: rehabilitation
Pathogenesis: subclinical disease
time of exposure to onset of disease symptom
incubation period (communicable)
latency period: chronic disease
no signs or symptoms but may be detected with labs, x-rays, or screening