IR spectroscopy Flashcards
What is a wavenumber? (v)
Number of wavelengths in 1cm
v = 1/ λ
Can IR energy cause electronic transitions?
NO, unlike UV-visible light the IR energy is too low to cause electronic transitions. It is just enough to cause vibrational and rotational excitations which have much smaller energy gaps
Define vibrational state
Molecules are excited to a higher energy state
Explain absorption
The absorption is quantized -energy has to match energy gap between the vibrational states
Only certain frequencies corresponding to natural vibrational frequencies of bonds are absorbed
What is each vibrational level associated with?
Several rotational levels so broad band of absorption appears rather than single lines
How are IR spectra traditionally displayed?
% transmittance vs Wavenumber (4000-650 cm^-1)
How is absorption of IR radiation represented on the spectra?
By a trough in the curve i.e. 0% T = 100% absorption of light at that wavelength.
How do you calculate the frequency of vibration at a v = 4000 cm^-1 ?
λ = 1/4000 = 2.5 x 10-4 frequency = c/λ = 3 x 1010 / 2.5 x 10-4 = 123 x 1012 vibrations/sec
What is the frequency at a given bond vibrate?
Why can certain bonds only absorb certain frequencies?
Vibrations are discrete.
Every bond will have DIFFERENT frequencies (CONSTANT). So no two molecules will have exactly the same IR spectrum
What levels can you go to in the mid IR region?
In the mid IR region you can only go from V0 to V1, V1 to V2 but not V0 to V2 directly.
What are the 2 types of vibrations?
Stretching and Bending
What is stretching?
Rhythmic movement along the bond axis. There is symmetrical stretch and asymmetrical stretch. In both cases, interatomic distances (C-H) change during stretch, Increases or decreases
What requires more energy, stretching or bending?
Asymmetric > symmetric > bending
How many ways of bending are there?
FOUR i) In plane bending a) scissoring - more narrow b) rocking ii) Out of plane bending c) wagging d) twisting
What would a bond require to be able to interact with the electric component of EMR?
Charge separation (dipole moment)
What vibrations give rise to IR bands?
Vibrations that result in a net change in polarity (dipole moment). This is the only way the photon from IR radiation can transfer its energy to the molecule
What do vibrations that result in bigger dipole movement change have?
Stronger absorption e.g. O-H bond absorbs stronger than C-H
To have a change in energy what does there have to be?
A net change in polarity (dipole-dipole)
What type of bonds give no IR peaks at all?
Symmetrical bonds (N2, O2 , H2, Cl2 ) with no dipole moment - therefore no absorption
Do symmetrical stretches give peaks?
Symmetrical stretches (e.g. CH2, CO2 ) – NO peaks but asymmetrical stretches and bending modes that gives rise to dipole moment change gives peaks
What must change during vibration in order to achieve IR absorption?
Dipole moment
What is dipole moment?
Two atoms with different electronegativities connected by bond exhibit unequal sharing of electron density.
Charge (q) separation (r) gives polar character to bond.
µ = q x r
When does a molecule have dipole moment?
• A molecule has dipole moment if the centre of +ve charge is different than centre of -ve charge. On vibration (e.g. stretch) r changes thus µ changes thus HF can absorb IR.
*dipole moment has a DIRECTION
So why is symmetrical stretch IR inactive?
Because there is no net change in dipole e.g. CO2.
Symmetrical stretch gives equal change in right and left dipoles so net change is zero
How does dipole moment affect the intensity of absorption/
ThebBigger the electronegativity difference, the bigger the dipole moment and higher the intensity
Electronegativity decreases as you go across periodic able C < N < O
Thus, O-H absorbs stronger than N-H > C-H
What 3 things does the absorption of IR for a given bond depend on?
(1) The mass of the atoms connected to the bond - for 2 heavy atoms, stretching frequency will be lower - needs more energy
(2) Strength of the bond - double bonds are stronger, needs more energy = lower frequency
(3) Dipole moment
What are the uses of IR spectroscopy?
(1) Identify drugs by matching spectrum
(2) Obtain structural information about functional groups on drug molecule. Functional group analysis.
(3) Detect polymorphs of drugs
How is a drug ID confirmed?
By comparing experimental spectrum to:
a) Reference drug/substance
BP states that sample preparation and operational conditions should be used for sample and reference.
b) Spectrum from official record (e.g. BP)– Care taken to calibrate the machine so it has similar resolution and wavelength accuracy as that used to obtain reference spectrum. Again keep conditions similar to reference including sample prep.
Positions and the relative sizes of the peaks in the spectra of the substance to be examined and the reference (sample/spectrum) should be concordant.
What sort of functional groups give broad vibrations?
Groups with H bonding e.g. O-H, N-H
O-H wavenumber?
N-H wavenumber?
C-H aromatic wavenumber?
C-H aliphatic wavenumeber?
C=O wavenumber?
R-O-C=O wavenumber?
Ketone C=O wavenumber?
Carboxylic acid HO-C=O wavenumber?
Amide H3N-C=O wavenumber?
C-O wavenumber?
1300-1000 (ESTER LINKAGE)
What do many drugs contain that is usually the strongest signal?
If C=0 is absent but OH (~3600-3300 cm-1) is present what is it?
Alcohol or phenol
Amine containing drugs will have …
medium intensity signal around 3500 cm-1
Drugs with nitro groups …
two strong absorption 1600-1500 & 1390-1300
What sort of peak is an alcohol O-H band?
rounded peak:
Sharp peak ~3600 if no H-bonding, Broad peak ~ 3400 if intramolecular H bonding and V. broad peak ~ 3000 if intermolecular H bonding
What peaks do amines have?
Primary amine (RNH2), broad with two sharp spikes.
Secondary amine (R2NH) is broad with one sharp spike
What are the 2 types of instrumentation for IR?
1) Dispersive instrument - old type
2) Fourier Transform instrument - new type
Describe the dispersive instrument
Source:(heated metal filament)
Cell: KBr, KCl discs
Detector: thermocouple
IR radiation passes through the sample and a reference cell. The reference ensures that peaks due to water or CO2 in the air can be cancelled out.
The frequencies of IR radiation absorbed are determined by passing through a rotating prism to focus one frequency at a time onto the detector
Describe the fourier transform instrument
- The instrument is similar in principle but the monochromator is replaced by interferometer which produces a pattern of frequencies that are possible to resolve by mathematical transformation called “Fourier Transform” .
- Main advantage is high data acquisition speed (1 sec vs minutes). Thus many scans per minute averaged to improve S/N ratio.
- Spectrum is displayed the same. You can not tell which instrument was used simply from spectrum.
How is a liquid sample prepared?
Fill a cell that can be held in position of IR beam. It is more common to prepare liquid film between NaCl, KCl or KBr discs. If solid it is grinded to form paste in liquid paraffin (Nujol). A drop of the sample is placed between two circular plates to produce a thin capillary film. The plates are then placed in a holder ready for analysis.
KBr has no IR absorption in the region 4000-650
How is a solid sample prepared?
- Use powdered sample (~2mg) with dry KBr (~200mg) and grind finely.
- Compress under high pressure (30 tons/sq inch) using spanner + nuts and bolts. A disk is formed that can be placed in IR machine.
- Specifically designed apparatus ( disk die) can do similar pressing this under vacuum and avoid moisture.
What type of cells are suitable for IR?
Cells are infrared inactive in the interested λ range
Non-aqueous samples uses KBr, NaCl, CaF2, CsI as cell materials. These materials are not resistant to water.
Aqueous samples uses non-hygroscopic materials for cells as AgCl, ZnS, Ge, Diamond.
What is Near IR (NIR) and what are its applications?
This NIR is in the low energy or high wavelength range 700 to 2500nm.
Quality control
Particle size
Blend uniformity
Identification of polymorphic drugs
Determination of moisture
Although a useful technique to determine physical properties of formulation it requires skilled person with computing knowledge to extract information from a spectrum obtained