IPv4 Flashcards
A four bit field that indicates that IP version being used and is always said to a value of four for IPV4 headers 
Internet header length IHL
A 4 bit field that indicates the number of 32 bit words in the header, and can have the value in the range from 5 to 15. 
Type of service space TOS
An 8-bit field used to indicate the priority of the packet, and is typically divided into a six bit differentiated service code point DSCP field and a two bit explicit congestion notification ECN field
Total length
A 16 bit field that specifies the total size of the packet in bytes
A 16 bit field used to logically grouped together, multiple fragments, making up a data gram 
A 32 bit field used to control packet fragmentation
Fragment, offset
A 13 bit field used to identify where a fragment was originally located in and on fragmented data gram
Time to live TTL
An eight bit field used to prevent routing groups by being D incremented by one at each router hop until the packet is discarded when the TTL = zero 
An 8-bit field used to identify the type of data being carried by the packet
Header checksum
A 16 bit field used to check the header for errors
Source IP address
A 32 bit address specifying, the IPv4 address of the sender 
A 32 bit address specifying the IPv4 address of the receiver 
A rarely used field that can specify additional IP V4, header options. Note the options field is populated if the Internet header length > five.