IPC Flashcards
Identify some dangers/cross infection failures with this unit
Discuss waste streams, amalgam disposal and how to clean up a blood spillage and dispose of sharps
6 mins
Dangers - blood on notes, mask/PPE in wrong bin, sharps (LA needle, scalpel) not safe, sharps box in colour, sharps box not closed over, gloves in sink, tooth left in forceps, sharps disposed of incorrectly/not disposed off, blood spillage
Waste streams - black - domestic/household waste. For paper towels/clean packaging
Orange - low risk clinical waste. For swabs, dressings, PPE, materials, single use instruments (non-sharps)
Yellow - high risk clinical waste. For body parts (including teeth)
Red - special/hazardous waste. For amalgam.
Amalgam disposal - in white box, red lid, Lid is spill/leak proof and has mercury vapour suppressant.
Sharps - blue lid (via and sharps with medicaments remaining - LA vials). Orange - all other sharps
Dispose of sharps immediately after use, box out of reach of children and non-authorised personnel, temporary closure between use, on bench/worktop (not on floor), never retrieve from box, never fill beyond line (3/4 full).
Blood spillage - stop, put on PPE, cover spillage with paper towels. Apply 100,000ppm Cl sodium hypochlorite/sodium dichloroisocyanurate granules for 3-5mins. Scoop up gross contamination (into orange waste), clean with water and a general purpose detergent or disinfectant wipes. Dispose of PPE, HH
You are a GDP. Your dental nurse obtains a sharps injury from a used LA needle post-Rx.
Immediate first aid has been performed and the nurse has left to go to occupational health.
Explain the incident to the patient and outline the risks.
Provide background information to the pt in order to achieve informed consent for BBV testing
6 mins
Introduction - name and designation
Explain nature of injury sustained by nurse - risks are to nurse, not to pt (syringe with pt blood into nurse. No nurse blood into pt).
Risk of BBV - risk of transmission (Hep B, Hep C, HIV) depends on type of injury - instrument used, injury depth, visible blood on instrument, obtained from instrument that was in source patients artery/vein. Transmission risk - v low (Hep B 1/3, Hep C 1/50, HIV 1/300). Low risk injury
Requirements for source pt blood - universal process applied to all patients. No pressure to comply - refusing it won’t affect ongoing care, discussion/decision won’t be recorded in the notes if refused, access to treatment if diagnosed with BBV.
Results - -ve result within 24hrs. Only communicated if +ve (longer delay as will need to do confirmatory testing). -ve HIV test won’t affect mortgage/insurance. +ve result will make it more difficult to get life policies. The results will be communicated anonymously to OH
R/V MH - have you ever had a HIV/Hep B/Hep C diagnosis, every injected drugs/had sex with someone who has, are you a man who has had sex with a man, every had sex with someone from outwit UK, Western Europe, USA, Canada, Austrian, NA. Every had a blood transfusion/oepration/injection outside these countries.
If yes to any - high risk pt
Does that all make sense? Do you have any questions?
What would you like to do?
You have finished treatment and your patient has left.
Please clean down this unit
6 mins
HH, PPE (visor, mask, apron, gloves)
Dispose of all sharps safely then clinical and domestic waste
Wipe unit top to bottom
Dental light, control panels/surfaces, full length of cables
Chair and spittoon, operator and nurses chairs
Worktops, computer keyboard and mouse
Allow to air dry. Dispose of PPE, HH, set up for next pt