IPB Flashcards
Area of Interest
Geographical area from which information and intel are required to execute successful tactical operations
Area of Influence
Geographical area where a CDR is directly capable of influencing operations by maneuver or fire support systems
Step 1: Define the OE (OUTPUTS)
Area of Operations (AO)
Area of Interest (AI)
Area of Influence (AoI)
Define Threats
Step 1: Define the OE
Identifies for further analysis of significant characteristics of the OE that may influence friendly COAs and CMD decisions
Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield
Identify gaps
establish initial intel requirements
constraints on potential friendly COAs
Id key aspect of OE
running estimates
Develop enemy COAs (MDCOA & MLCOA)
IPB Definition
systematic process of analyzing the mission variables of enemy, terrain, weather, and civil considerations in an area of interest to determine their effects on operations
Frame the problem
importance of IPB
Understand the OE
Visualize the end state and potential solutions to solve problems
Describe it to their staffs
Four Steps of IPB
Step 1: Define the OE
Step 2: Describe environmental effects on operations
Step 3: Evaluate threats
Step 4: Determine Threat COAs
SO What of Step 1
clearly defining for the commanders what the relevant characteristics of the areas of interest are
Success: results in saving time and effort by focusing only on those characteristics that will influence friendly COAs and CMD decisions
Area of Operations (AO)
defined by the joint force commander
Should be large enough to accomplish missions and protect forces
Comprised of an external boundary
STEP 2: Describe Environmental Effects of Operations
Determines how the characteristics affect friendly/enemy operations
Focus on capabilities of each force
Staff determines the impact and effects on friendly and enemy force actions on the population
Desired End State of Step 2
Describe the Operational Environment
Identify how the OE influences friendly and enemy COAs.
STEP 2: Describe the OE Outputs
Terrain analysis (MCOO)
Weather and illumination data
Natural or Man-made obstruction designed to disrupt, fix, turn, or block the movement of an opposing force
Avenues of Approach
Air or ground routes used by an attacking force leading to its objective
Offensive tasks
Defensive operations
Key Terrain
Any locality or area the seizure or retention of which affords a marked advantage
Evaluated by assessing the impact of its control by either force
Decisive Terrain
Key terrain whose seizure and retention is mandatory for successful mission accomplishment and has an extraordinary impact of the mission
Modified Combined Obstacle Overlay (MCOO)
Is a graphic product that portrays the effects of natural and urban terrain on military operations
Normally depicts military significant aspects of the terrain and other aspects of the terrain that can affect mobility
Severely restricted, restricted, and unrestricted terrain
Avenues of Approach
Key Terrain
Observation and fields of fire
Cover and concealment
Step 3: Evaluate the Threat
Determines threat force capabilities and the doctrinal principles and TTP threat forces prefer to employ
STEP 3: Evaluate the threat OUTPUT
Threat Template
Capability Statement
High Value Target List (HVTL)
So What of STEP 3: Evaluating the Threat
is enhancing the commander’s understanding of regular, irregular, catastrophic, or disruptive threat force with the AI
Success results in threat COAs developed in the next step of IPB to reflect what the threat is capable of and trained to do in similar situations
Steps in STEP 3: Evaluate the Threat
- Identify threat capabilities
- Update or create threat models
STEP 4: Determine Threat Course of Action (COA)
Identifies and describes threat COAs that can influence friendly operations
STEP 4: Determine the Threat COA Outputs
Update HVTL
Desired End State of STEP 4: Determine the Threat COA
Development of graphic overlays and narratives for each possible enemy COA that has been identified.
So What of Step 4: Determine the Threat COA
Determining the enemy COAs necessary to aid the development of friendly COAs
Success results in the friendly commander avoiding being surprised with an unanticipated enemy actions
Six step process for Threat COA Development
Identify likely objectives and end state
Identify the full set of COAs available to the threat
Evaluate and prioritize each threat COA
Develop each COA in the amount of detail time allows
Identify HVTs for each COA
Identify initial collection requirements for each COA
COAs are
Consistent with threat doctrine
Define COA
Is a broad potential solution to an identified problem
A good COA
- Should defeat all feasible Enemy COAs
- Provide flexibility to meet unforeseen events
- Position force for sequels/ follow on missions