Ions & Ionisation Energy Flashcards
Mass spectrometer
Determines the relative atomic mass . Separetes atoms/ molecules according to charge & mass
Used to scan for drugs in airports & identify materials in space.
1. Vaporises molecules (vacuum)
2. Ionises
3. Acceöerates
4. Deflects heavy & light ions
5. Detection
Relative Atomic mass
(RAM elr Ar)
avrage mass of atoms of an element
Mass spectra of elements
Produces a graph showing: relative abundance of each ion type.
(Ion 1 * ratio + ion2 * ratio) / total of ratio
Ionasation energy
IE, The energy required to remove 1 e- from an atom to form an ion.
Measured in KJ/mol
increases proportionally because: p+ will be able hold on harder when there are fewer e-
(a 11 ppl holwing onto fewer & fewer ppl)
Writing succesive IE
start w/ product of previous ionsation event
N(g) - > N+ + e-
N+(g) -> N2+ + e-
Atomic radius
the bigger the r, the smaller the nuclear attraction experienced by outer e- & vice versa
Nuclear charge
the greater Nc, the greater the attractive force on outer e-
Electron shielding
e- of inner shells repell e- of outer shells due to charge. -> also leads to larger r
=> bigger atoms outer e- have less IE
Trends across periods
genereally IE increases
dips little cuz of: e- into next sublevel or e- is placed in same orbital (repell eachother)
Big drop when go to next period - new shell = larger r
Trends across group
Decreases due to larger r and e- shielding