Ionising radiation pollution Flashcards
3 uses of ionising radiation
-Sterilising male insect pests
-Nuclear fusion/fission
-Test rock porosity in oil and gas exploration
2 issues with Risk: Benefit analysis
-Symptoms may take a long time to develop
-may be alternative causes to symptoms
3 sources of ionising radiation
-Medical exposure , X rays
-occupational exposure , aircraft flight crews
-gamma rays from the lithosphere , different radioactive isotopes release different types of radiation
2 effects of ionising radiation on living tissue
-Gonadic effects , damage to ovaries or testis
-Somatic effects , general body cells
Exposure vs Contamination
-Exposure means the absorption of ionising radiation
-contamination refers to physically carrying radioactive materials which when they release radiation may cause exposure
2 principle of exposure control
-ALARA , make exposure as low as reasonably possible
-BATNEEC , lowest exposure can be achieved by using best available technology not entailing excessive cost
3 strategies to reduce exposure
-protective clothing
-Reduced period of exposure
-Increase distance from the source
3 ways of monitoring radioactive materials
-personal dosemeters which give a reading of current exposure
-Critical pathway analysis , analysis make it possible to predict where discharge could cause problems , involves factors such as density , effluent physical properties and half lives of isotopes
-CGM , measures effects on those vulnerable , measurements include distance to the source , water and food source