Investigation of Title & Pre-Contract Searches Flashcards
What are the key steps in investigating title?
✅ Registered land: Obtain Official Copies from HM Land Registry.
✅ Unregistered land: Check root of title (at least 15 years) via title deeds.
What do pre-contract searches reveal?
Always be carried out:
(a) Land registry searches - indicates nature, title and ownership of land (see sample
Land Registry official copy in Exhibit A)
(b) Pre-contract enquiries form (commonly TA6 for freehold property or other appropriate
(c) Local authority searches (LLC1 and CON29) - LLC1 provides information from Local
Land Charge Register and indicates e.g., planning agreements, tree preservation orders,
enforcement notices, etc.; CON29 contains additional information about road
maintenance, planning history, etc.
(d) CON29DW - provides information on water and sewerage assets in, around and
under property
(e) Chancel repair search - check if buyer liable to pay for maintenance of local church
(f) environmental searches - provides information if the property might be affected by any
toxic chemicals
(g) Highways search - will show where the highways are in relation to a property and who
is responsible for them
Additional searches may be carried out if applicable based on the facts such as e.g.,:
(a) CON29M - information about mining activities
(b) commons registration search
(c) canal and river search - where property is near such a water
(d) railway enquiries
(e) flood searches